Vertical jigging Master


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Papa, I think ya did a great job on the steel Fulcrum Fly! Looks really nice & I agree 100% that other floaters have bothered me, too, with their hook down _Red's woolies give us all the neutral buoyancy we need for the pendulum concept to function just right with hook in ready position to nail a fish! And loved those realistic flies that you are tying!!


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Yesterday, my dear friend Mac (Macon1 on here) sent me some really cool Joann's fabric called "Bernat Boa" to make into Red's Fabric Jigs. This stuff is like ultra thin rabbit zonkers, tho with 1/2" "hair" seemingly made of bright white satin fibers! Terrific action when tied in a wrap around "crosscut" type tie. I'm thinkin this stuff, over a little nub of wool, and flashing extending for a tail will make me some very effective Boolies for Spring (any day now!!!) fishing!

Then talked with Red last night, he's very enthusiastic about mixing his days between tying & exercising his repaired knee, but wants me to assist him next weekend at the Buckeye Sports Show near Mansfield, Ohio (weather permitting!). I'll get everyone more details on his attendance early this coming week!


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Saint Louis,Mo
As soon as you mentioned ultra thin rabbit zonkers you got my attention. Just added it to my list. Another item that should have plenty of uses.


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Jungle, Found out that may have been the wrong name for this "satin zonker" material -am tracking down the correct title & place to get it! Tied a few with it, whatever it is, and looks great in a panfish Boolie!!


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Saint Louis,Mo
There's a color of the Bernat Boa called Blizzard which is a Christmas color. It might be the color you were referring to John. I'm going to check it out soon.


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Just got off the phone with Red, and he's absolutely delighted that so many are busy getting the materials and tying the wool jigs! A few guys have been ordering the pack of his originals that he offers, and Red told me for anyone so inclined, to always be sure to include a telephone number and EXPECT HIS PHONE CALL! He really wants to discuss your local waters and to insure that he ties exactly for your prevalent fish, depending on species, size, type of water, depths, etc . ; tho the basic wool/satin jig is essentially standard, there are subtle differences,Red insists,that apply to each of our own individual conditions. Red is even so thorough, and wants everyone to enjoy CATCHING with his jigs, that he throws in a "bare" jig with only the wool body tied on just right, so that the home tier can put on over any material that they may personally prefer! Yep, the ole timer is even more of an EDUCATOR than he is a tier and angler (and that's sayin' a lot!!!).


Active member
Jun 24, 2010
Waverly, Va.
Yeah, ole Red has got to be a great guy!!! there is no doubt about that!! It takes a special guy to want a bunch of people to enjoy catching fish with his secret weapon, and I think I can speak for alot of people in saying we really appreciate him!!


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Went to local Joanns Fabric today in search of the elusive Bernat Boa as prescribed. I think there has been a mistake on its name though. I looked at all the Bernat Boas and could not see anything I would want to ties on any kind of hook. I finally wandered to the back wall where skeins of all kinds of stuff was there. My eyes fell upon something as glittery as all get out. It kind of looks like pseudo herl but a little coarser. It came in about 12 different colors. I selected four to play with red , white , silver with gray , white with black. Too dark to take picture now but will submit pic tomorrow to see if I have stumbled on the right stuff. I tied up a few using it and it has promise.


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Papa, my friend that told me about this boa stuff, said he found it at Walmart rather han Joanns,but he thinks that name is right! However ,by searching around, you often find hidden treasures such as you've apparently discovered! Just today I discovered something unexpected ,too ; found if I tied a Boolie with just a short,thin version of Red's wool/satin dressing on the back (just enough to extend about 1/4" beyond the hook bend) to use for jig TROLLING (hence the need to keep it a lot less bulky than normal), that I could tip with an ultra thin, weightless tail that has a ton of action (based on a unique piece I once read in Outdoor Life from a very successful largemouth bass expert). Oh, the tail material? a 1 1/2 to 2" section of the colorful plastic shopping bag from Joann's (or any grocery store!), cut into a 1/4" wide strip! It flutters way better than any twister tail or even similar cut of pork rind! I may just use these strips on all Red's jigs,whether casting,vertical, or trolled!


Active member
Jun 24, 2010
Waverly, Va.
took one of my 1/32 wool and satin jigs and dipped it into the pool this evening to see how they looked in the water. It had alot of movement and action for sure, and the white wool almost disapeared from view when underwater. the strands of satin and foil finish fibers etc. really popped with color and movement, but they were spread out at the back end where the minnows tail would be. I would like to put some satin eyt. up around the hooks point and bend, but I think it would foul around the hook alot so better keep them around the lower half of the jig. I think if you were to jiggle the bobber above this jig, it would trigger strikes because any slight movement makes it have alot of movement.


Active member
Jun 24, 2010
Waverly, Va.
oh, forgot to say that I had to endure alot of ribbing and harrassment from my wife and son when they saw me go to the pool with the fishing pole. the boy had his phone out taking pics, so I know that won't be the end of it. lol


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Redear, Yep, I get my share of ribbing,too, when jig testing in the kitchen sink -tho our cats love to supervise! However,that's nowhere near as bad as when I need to test cast a new spinning outfit for jig distance & accuracy outside in the snow - some neighbors and walking passerbys just think they are SOOOO funny!! I believe ole Red has the best idea -he lives out of the way,back in the sticks, and has built a huge pond (more like a small lake) that comes to right under his back porch ;as he tells me " The ole fish always tell me how effective the wool jigs are -bluegills are easy, but on any given cast the dang big carp out there might also eagerly grab my plain jigs! Everything seems to love sheep &satin!"


Active member
Jun 24, 2010
Waverly, Va.
took the wool and satin jig to the pool out back again today to see what it would look like if I cut a little length off the end of it, and it still looked good in the water. went from probably 2 1/4" to maybe 1 1/2". tied another wool jig today, orange head , red thread, and laid the blue and green foil finish fabric fibers on there pretty thick, then the silver holo. flashabou. satin fibers used were white, black and dark blue, please don't ask me how long it took to tie cause I'd be embarrassed to say. lol was a half hour or so. lol enjoyed every minute of it.