For a firearm you can get a permit. If you, say, take the test for a hunting exam (min. 2 months/2000€) you´re allowed a hand full of firearms locked away in the house, in your hunting/shooting range or en route there, locked away in your trunk. Semi-automatic hunting rifles may not carry magazines holding more than 2 rounds - which is more of a traditional hunting thing. Such "full harvesters" are generally frowned upon and should better not be brought to a hunting party unless its your own. CC permit however is nearly impossible to obtain for a private person.
Full automatics are generally subject to "Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz", a federal law that deals with ownership and distribution of military weapons. Serious stuff. Long story short, folks over here aren´t used to have too much weaponry around. Personly, the thought of a die hard nazi with a piece that can take out my crib from the other shore of the fjord without leaving the house makes me uncomfortable.
In the case above however the big question is wether or not the arsenal had been modified enough to be rendered useless. If that were the case, a young female state attourney has just gotten herself into trouble... Same sort of trouble that hit a young female mayor a few years ago who lost it on national television after falling over her predesessors´s tax deal with a well connected resident.