These are the figures for my home town of 250.000:
"Erkrankte aktuell" - momentarily sick
"Erkrankte kumuliert" - total number of infections
"Genesene" - recovered
"Verstorbene" - deceased, including everyone who died and was tested positively regardless main reason of death
"im Krankenhaus aktuell" - momentarily hospitalized
Since there is no random testing the infection toll includes only individuals that show symptoms and their background.
No fear here. Frankly, I wonder how they are planning to achieve herd immunity. With 5 added cases a day that would take a while. Time to open some more shops and the boat ramp! :beer:

"Erkrankte aktuell" - momentarily sick
"Erkrankte kumuliert" - total number of infections
"Genesene" - recovered
"Verstorbene" - deceased, including everyone who died and was tested positively regardless main reason of death
"im Krankenhaus aktuell" - momentarily hospitalized
Since there is no random testing the infection toll includes only individuals that show symptoms and their background.
No fear here. Frankly, I wonder how they are planning to achieve herd immunity. With 5 added cases a day that would take a while. Time to open some more shops and the boat ramp! :beer: