So you guys wouldn`t have me over any more, would you?


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Hawnjigs said:
Here at ground zero, in a nutshell, one side perpetually spews lies and "alternate facts", and the other relentlessly debunks them.  What is a "pseudo-liberal" out your way?

I'd appreciate your commenting on my inquiry here:

I was ignoring the Bucko-with-a-k- thread so please forgive me I didn´t notice your political questions.

If you must know... Its a German thing, my personal interpretation for what I consider highly irrational behavior, "libtarded" beyond American imagination. 

I am a very independend thinker and so un-fashist that I get uncomfortable if more than 5 people share the same opinion, even if it is my own. That is actually an issue when I give workshops, I get uncomfortable when I realize I have managed to create social dynamics. However, I keep getting into arguments with people from the left and I wonder why. At first they get triggered by things I say that rub them the wrong way, but when they realize I am listening to them and are not "one of those", they typically apologize and point out a personal history that involves a familiar background that  reminded me of this video.

If you have stood up against and eventually had to argue with such guilt-laden folks at the kitchen table for decades, several things will happen:

1. you will anticipate that there are some people that simply cannot be talked sense into but need to be dealt with differently. You will distinguish the good, the bad and the ugly so to speak. The good ones which can be taken seriously, the ugly (who are too dumb to apreciate your opinion) who need to be manipulated("educated") and the bad which need to be tricked into showing their true colors and then put away - where ever that may be.  

2. you will be overly sensitive bordering to paranoia against anyone that seems to fear-monger the idea of hordes of foreigners molesting women as well as all sorts of justifications of rightwing thinking.

3. you will perceive the idea of mobilizing the mayority of the population via combustion engine technologie as a wrong developement that needs to be reversed. Remember that Henry Ford, who employed exclusively caucasians and granted them textbook social bennies, received the highest order of the nazi regime who promised laborers the "people`s car", the Volkswagen. The Greens don`t fight the car´s emission or footprint, they fight the idea of the car in every garage, or worse, in public parking spaces. They sabotage green fuel in favor of electric engines, knowing that enough plugholes will always be a problem in cities.

More problematically, being raised in such family, you will take over underlying assumptions without questioning them.

One is the idea that the fight against an evil ideology would justify otherwise inaccapteble measures. (1:06 : "we did not fight (russian) people, we fought the Bolshewism that was misleading them..).

Another is that you are so occupied with condamming the idea of fighting and exploiting subhumans rather than supporting and integrating them, that subconsciously you still consider them inferior. I watched an interview on al jazeera the other day about the unrests in Chemnitz which were triggered by an imigrant stabbing a resident. A young German "fashism expert" called that an "accident" (as with a non-able to blame animal or kid), not an incident (as with a fully responsible human being). I would not have noticed such minor language flaw if it would not examplify their attitude towards non-German migrants.

Long story short, pseudo-liberals push my buttons because they are mirrowing the very people they dispite and sport a distinct "the-bad guys are all over there"- attitude that keeps them comfortably save from having to tackle their own issues. As a result, there are certain things that you literally can`t speak of here without being cut even by "normal" people who don`t want to get caught in the middle - which in itself is already considered a problematic political statement.

Does that make sense to you?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Whats making sense is the disparity between USA & German attitudes in social interactions, where I reside in small town mid-America anyway.

Don't remember getting into any arguments in my 5 years here, as most including myself sanitize what they say to avoid upsetting or contradicting others. As an example our president is NEVER a topic of conversation unless involved parties already know they are in agreement. Of course there will always be the very few "ugly" people who assuage their feelings of failure in life by expressing their hateful beliefs in a pugnacious manner to anyone who made the mistake of giving them an ear.

Given your family background and social experiences you are much more practiced at dealing with such cumbersome interactions than I.

I didn't understand your issue about petro powered motor vehicles which VERY FEW Americans pay any attention to.

I found the dialog between what appeared to be German war apologists and a Dutch / Flemish woman (victim?) interesting in that both points of view will never find a middle ground compromise, but both sides are accepting of the other even if not in agreement.

OK, Thanks again for sharing and hope I've added a few words to your English vocabulary.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Hawnjigs said:
I didn't understand your issue about petro powered motor vehicles which VERY FEW Americans pay any attention to.

That`s a big one overe here. It is a founding aim of the green party to rebuild the Ford Motor works in Cologne into a bicycle factory. It is part of their anti-americanism, anti-imperialism, call it as you like. I´m not in on that, that´s all I´m saying.

Just because I am trying very hard to understand a political movement that is gaining ground here doesn`t mean I sympathize with it.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
I envy english speakers for the term "libtards" because it describes so nicely how their thinking is impaired.

First thing I learned at sales training was to calibrate my choice of words, making sure that a lawyer would respect me while a first wave imigrant would even understand me. American Libtards seem to believe they had to intimidate each and everyone with a high-pricked language which is alienating rather than raport seeking. That by the way is more of a US thing than it is European. Trump must be doing something right if he manages to utilize the resulting resentments.

Have I told you my favorite libtard story?  

On the peak of the refugee crisis, two imigrants moved into my old bachelor pad 2 storeys above, following the lead of their millenial bus boy friend who went like "its ok, I`ve sent an e-mail to the property management." When an elderly tenant rat them out to my parents who own the building, my mother went up to check them out. I know from experience that my father, who started out as an underprivileged refugee himself, has no issues with renting to refugees as long as he is under the impression that they make sure the rent is on time (welfare or not) and they respect his property. So if the two of them -who spoke fluent German and English, were very well dressed and definetly from a good parent`s house- had come clear, explained to him what "hawala" banking is and that wealth is honor to them....

Instead, when asked why they failed to meet their stairway cleansing obligation which their millenial roomate appearently had forgottten to tell them about since it is too square and outdated to fit his frame of his home country`s society, they went subhuman like their libtarded background tought them to do and seeked for pity: "We cannot sweep, we have no broom!"

Needless to say what that did to the head of my poor old mother. The two went straight to their lawyer without an appointment. When I first heard her tell the story, I wasn`t really capturing it but when I thought about it again on the way back from the family meeting I had to laugh so hard I was seriously considering pulling over to avoid an accident.

Go libtards! :icon14:


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
So what do we call our fellow citizens who support the party cutting THEIR nutritional assistance, healthcare, and Social Security and believe everything Big Daddy says despite his 16,000 public lies?

I may be wrong but it appears the terms "libtard, snowflake, and cupcake" are coincidental with (allegations of) Russian meddling in our last presidential election. I've also noticed that fact checkers have traced conspiracy theories like the Seth Rich murder by the Clintons, Pizzagate, Benghazi, and Ukraine Hackers back to Russian sources. Gotta admit Putin is a genius knowing which Americans were gullible enuf to exploit.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
I realize I have to watch my nastiness levels online. Lockdown is starting to get the best of me. They have now shut the marinas, which is a mayor bummer in a country without uncontrolled boat ramps. I am cut off as far as my motor boat goes and I have a feeling they will shut down everything but watching tv and buying milk.

On the flipside, with all the restaurants closed, there is not a single gill net in the water. So since I can always claim access to my shop where I earn my livelyhood and float the kayak from there, things might get interesting. And even when the roads are closed- the e-bike always gets through!


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
They are getting closer and closer to a "shelter in place" policy here in Ohio too. Sounds like they just shut down barbers, hair salons, nail shops and tattoo shops. Any place that is close personal contact. Closing all but 4 offices for renewing your drivers license throughout the state, police can not ticket for outdated drivers license if it went out of date past today. They are urging any non-essential business to consider closing and saying now every employer is spose to take the temperature of EVERY employee EACH day. Getting pretty extreme. I can't see any private business closing their doors voluntarily over an illness that will affect a small percentage of their work force. Just not gonna happen in my mind. My small biz might be forced to layoff our small workforce but sure don't plan on that until we absolutely run out of work to do. So far, we are able to work on service orders that were set in the pipeline just before they closed all the schools in Ohio.

If they do invoke a "shelter in place" policy, i will most likely continue to get out and fish. Might have to start driving my daughters Ford Fiesta instead of the Explorer. The Fiesta gets almost 40MPG and the Explorer is closer to 20MPG. My wife's big V8 Tundra is lucky to get 12MPG so probably won't be hauling my kayak around anywhere. Luckily there are 5 good sized reservoirs less than 10 miles from home and 2 that i could get to on my bike if need be. Just won't plan on going into any shops to buy anything in the process.

I did need to get a few grocery items yesterday so went to my local Wal-Mart and Kroger. Bare shelves in spots but there are still a lot of options. I have a decent pantry so can go a while and i'm not picky so off brand stuff is fine by me. Some items are hard to find though..... chicken, loaves of bread, potatoes, pasta, frozen meals, etc. It is going to take some time before they are able to get everything back in stock. Hopefully most everyone NOW has their own freezers full and do not waste what they have.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Instead of locking down all outdoor activities Nebraskans are encouraged to go fishing, on our state forum anyway. Albeit pre-sunrise temps in the low 30s may have been discouraging, but last 2 days sessions I fished alone at a popular EZ access public spot - and caught fish. No piggy like yesterday, but still half a dozen short wallys + one keeper size was worthwhile today.

Maybe an ideal time to hit the water with reduced pressure = more fish available.

And gas is as cheap as I can remember - $1.84 today for 97.

E-bike = electric ?

State is shutting down, schools closed for 3 weeks & public gatherings cancelled.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
From our Nebraska guv website:
" KEEP GOING OUTDOORS! Fresh air and exercise regimes are a great way to support your health year-round."


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
I keep saying the same thing. Hearing some Army Corps of Engineers are closing access to some dam tailwaters in other states... maybe TN or IL? Can't remember now. So far, only facilities are closing and no staff or programs at nature centers. Ramps remain open for now.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
With the restaurants shut down, there is not a single gill net in the water. Nice. Took the kayak out for a spin today and broke one of the fin masts. Fortunately it came out and I had a spare. That being said, there is a wild ramp next door which turns out is not illegal to use, they only forbid touristic offerings. They want folks to stay put which makes sence in a way.  

e-bike is how we call an electrical bike. Everything new has to be given english names here, or at least names that sound english, no telling which of them are even a thing in english speaking countries, its really annoying. The thing is that you enjoy impunity with them. They only support up to 25km/h but you can go faster by your own effort. The greens are very fond of bicycles, everything without a registration plate is privileged. There are many exclusive ways and short cuts for them and the police doesn´t even bother chasing you for minor offenses because they have little chance of catching you in urban environment.

The general perception is that the electrical support is for the elderly, but if you don´t care about that they are pretty badass.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Pretty much, just without the leather, the tats and the running. More like "lets just say we did not see that. Even if we get the guy its nothing but endless paperwork that leads nowhere cause he is probably educated and connected".

Germany is a great country if you know what your`r getting away with. Rock stars like David Bowie and Iggy Pop had chosen to live here. I am proud to say we have patriated Evil Garrett from the Bloodhound gang. He is struggling a little but deems it worth the discomfort. This video shows that his German has improved so much is able to read the resignment letter of a local singer colleage who is known for taking his art a little too seriously.



Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Crazy how quickly things have flipped on their heads. 2 weeks ago I was turning orders down because I was running out of time in my spring printing schedule. Last week I was making calls and sending emails to try and lock down some orders before they canceled. This week we are locking the doors (state order) because we are a non-essential business. Just nuts to not go in to work after working for the last 25 years to build the business to what we have.... or had ....2 weeks ago. All I can hope us that the state eases some of these restrictions once they realize that we can't live in a bubble for a whole year before they create a vaccine. I'm going along with the orders to help keep the hospitals from getting overwhelmed, but my fear is this is just going to stretch out the time frame of the economic stress to the point it is going to do a lot of long term damage.

I made a trip to the store today and stocked up with enough staples that I shouldn't have to go to the grocery store for 2 weeks. I also stopped at the bait shop and picked up a container of wax worms and a container of maggots. Not sure if they will be closing. Gonna have some extra time on my hands so hopefully I can get out during the day and get some panfish to add to the freezer.

Hope everyone stays safe & healthy!!


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
British health service warns of gas stations, better wear gloves when touching those but also shopping carts, payment terminals etc. Non-essential shops are closed for customers here but allowed to take phone orders and organize delivery. We have a gathering ban of more than 2 persons other than from the same household. Fair enough for me, I can still move freely and see a fising pal or go on a date. 

Dr. Merkel has been quarantined as of yesterday after the doctor who vaccinated her against pneumonia last week was later tested poritive for corona. That pretty much sums up the situation. 

Read about that japanese flu drug today via a right wing intenet journal which was linked to a neutral FB group I follow. They are starting to point out that island states like Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, effectively isolated South Korea but also highly controlled China do have a choice to protect themselves from the virus but will need to keep that control up. Open western societies however are accepting the economical and medical toll that comes with the gain of controlled herd immunity in order to stay open. I decided not to talk about that at home any more, nothing good can come from that.   

Knowing that what we go through  is a choice makes it easier for me but not vor everyone.


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
They closed the camp grounds here in WA but the boat ramps are still open. Said that if you need to use the outhouses to bring your own TP and sanitizer as the looters have stolen all the paper. Just friggin crazy. Did also get a notice that they will be setting up operating loans for businesses in need and I wonder how long it will take before that get's abused. Out in the country I don't have to worry about distancing ourselves as the closest neighbor is over a mile away and our small town of 900 is pretty secluded but it would only take one a**hole to drag that crap into town. Have some relatives that own a grocery store in another town and they are going to start rationing flour, meat and eggs if people don't quit overbuying. They said that people from Spokane are driving out to their store (30 Miles) and cleaning them out. I told them that you should have to show ID that you live in the area before you could purchase anything. It's reflex panic buying and the media isn't helping much. In some ways this whole ordeal is an awakening for some people but the stupid ones will never learn. The Hollywood types and so called elite that the morons follow can't even figure out what to do to keep busy. That's what happens when someone else does all your thinking for you and tells you what to do all your life. I also think of all those people that laughed and said that the "Prepper's" were a bunch of crazy loons and now wonder who's getting the last laugh. Just hoping that everyone here stays healthy and can keep on going when the dust settles. Hang in there and just remember to use your brain for more than a hat-rack!


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
Well now our dandy Gov has closed down the fishing for the state. Supposedly there were large groups of people lining up on shores and not obeying the 6' rule. Don't know if that's true or just a lame excuse but I wouldn't doubt it with the amount of dumb a**es that are out there. Always seems there's a bunch elitists that have to screw things up for everybody.