Jungle - The camera is an old (in tech years) Kodak Z700 - 4 Megapixel. It is one of the bigger sized ones. My wife has a newer one (higher MP) that is one of the slim tiny things and i can barely keep hold of the thing. The bigger style just feel more comfortable to me. Most every thing i do is either auto-point-shoot or done with the close-up/macro setting. Getting one of the small tri-pods and using the timer setting is very helpful for getting close-up shots. Any thing else that i see that catches my eye i just pick a center point and take about 10 pics....... one of them is bound to turn out!
I'll throw a few more up.....
I have ALOT of the sunset/sunrise pics with the sun behind and the foreground being dark or black, guess it just screams out to me:
Next one is the end of the same tree line as the picture that Radtex liked. Lots of depth to this one... 2 sets of trees, clouds, sky and the sun.
Cant leave out my kids either.....
My son (5yrs. at the time) was
'baleing hay' with his Tonka truck after my wife had mowed some of the field. Something about the lighting in this photo just makes me happy - summer evening as the sun was about to set.
And here is my daughter at just over a year old.

Man was she was a tomboy back then!!! Around 1st grade she decided to be a girl.

She's 8 now (9 in January) & still loves to fish once she is out and sitting by the water...... but getting her to agree to go is the hard part.
Last 2 ARE edited in PHOTOSHOP. These are panoramic stitch pictures. Took several different pictures standing in the same place and then 'stitched' them together in the PhotoShop software.
One of my favorite eddy holes on my river:
This one my daughter was only there on the 1st pic and kept walking as i took the others that went up the cliff: