There is one correction I need to make, and that is that if you get sick and cannot afford medical insurance then you get treated for free, that is an out right lie, sorry. If you make $9.00/hr, you make too little to afford health insurance but you make too much to get Medicaid, if you get sick you get minimal treatment and then billed, if you get catastrophically sick, like cancer, you will rack up massive bills and you will only get about 1/4 of the treatment and when you can't come up with 50% of your bill the treatment will stop, I know this for fact as I witnessed it and tried to raise money for another person in that exact scenario in the area I live. I also know this because, as I said, my home was paid for and I had exactly $109,884.27 in my retirement savings, when I got cancer and couldn't work with the treatment I was paid $250.00 per week from my short term disability policy but out of that came my taxes and my medical insurance which left me with $101 dollars a week while it was costing me 452 dollars per week at the pharmacy. I had what is referred to as a "Cadillac" insurance plan, no deductible, and only a $20 dollar co-pay, this was on top of a good wage so I had to pay my bills and most of my meds out of pocket because I had a retirement account so I didn't qualify for any help. That said, what most don't know is that the 23 most common types of cancer drugs are NOT covered under any insurance plan, if you believe you have this coverage, well I pray you don't get sick, I had a separate cancer plan but it only paid for 1 drug, neulasta, which is to build white blood cells while going through chemo and it only pays it for a year, those shots are $4000 per shot for 12 shots or 6 months worth of chemo. I had to pay out of my pocket and within a year and a half I was forced to file for bankruptcy, I lost my new truck, and I sold my boat before that happened but I even had to put my house up for collateral to continue my radiation because my treatment was over a half of a million dollars and the insurance company decided they were not going to pay for anything else cancer related. I do not like obamacare, I agree with you all on that and I do not want socialized medicine, what I want is a law saying that insurance companies have to cover you if you have a plan and they can't just say no, there also needs to be some kind of cap, why in the world should someone have to loose their life savings just to stay alive? I pray nobody else goes through what I did, and I consider myself lucky, I'm alive and I still have my house along with a PC and an internet connection and I can now afford to make jigs and stuff but not like I could, buying a new mold is a 4 to 5 month saving deal, going fishing is tough but keeps me going but I can't do it every day, I'm lucky if I can muster the strength to go every 10 days but at least I can go. I do not mean to make others mad, I simply want to inform those who haven't had a catastrophic illness to the realities of what happens, at one time you could at least keep your home but no longer, my republican congressman voted to make my home expendable should I get sick and can not afford to pay my hospital bill, so that if my cancer comes back, even with medicare, I can not get treated because I can't afford the 20% medicare doesn't pay and the hospital can now take my home which is why I will never vote republican again. I was a republican throughout my life, I hate democrats just as bad and so I had to change my registration to independent, they made this system to run for office so expensive that only wealthy individuals can run or those who are shills looking to do the bidding of whoever foots the bill for the campaign. Working people have solutions, but they can't afford to run and now it is worse as we do free trade deals with countries who have a slave labor force and/or are communist countries, this too has to stop and make the American worker a commodity again so that wages will allow people to pay for healthcare, that is the biggest thing right now but don't be fooled, voting republican or democrat is like picking the lesser of 2 evils.