Have another addition to the give-away list. Pepop offered up a package of painted heads and chenille. That will go to the name pulled at #14. Getting close to having some winners here! Thank you for the offer Pepop!
Makes it a little more interesting now. From here on out, if you purchased some clothing and your name has not been drawn yet....... you have a 50/50 chance of getting something back.
Im with Heath this has to be rigged LOL, sure was hoping to be the last as Im always needing supplies LOL
Russ just added a few more lines to the store so the winner will sure have lots to choose from.
Tim - I have been thumbing through your pages and have a personal list of items worked up for me. Lots of good looking stuff! I will make up an order as soon as i get all this crazy shirt sale wrapped up. Who had the crazy thought that we should sell shirts and hats anyway? oh wait....... never mind.
Stretched out on the couch with the dog after supper last night and before i knew it, opened my eyes and it was 11:00! Lights were out and everyone else was in bed already. Too much beef stroganof i guess.
This name is for slot #19 and then Ii will pull another tonight.