Hey, guys, this is Mrs. Mel -
I do not know each of you personally, but definitely feel connected; I think in part, due to the prayers, endless encouragement and undeniable strength the Mr. Mel and I are able to draw from each of you and your individual stories. Your posts lend words of strength and courage - both of which are much needed commodities in the world of the big "C"; but praise Him, I am a child of the Bigger "C" -CHRIST! There is nothing more precious than being one in the Lord - during the good, the bad and especially during the ugly. We rest in the knowledge that nothing happens to us that hasn't already gone through our Father's hands. He truly is the Center of victorious living and we persevere as we trust and rest in Him alone. You all are such "gifts" to my spirit - it is a blessing to have others in my life to walk this road with. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you for our blessing.
P.S. I love my "special jig" made by my "special guy". I also love and appreciate the names (and sentiments) you all submitted and have settled upon the name "Positive Pink".
"P.S.S. Hello, my name is Mel and I have breast cancer; and I am positively positive, I am at war and I will be taking no prisoners....