Rad, I live in Sapulpa, a suburb of Tulsa. I'm currently working two jobs. Both are as cooks in Senior living communities. The pic of me with the pan on fire was captured back when I worked in a country club.
Feeding seniors is really challenging. You have to be on top of your game because of all the "special diets". Folks that can't have gluten, various food allergies, Renal diets, various stages of dysphagia (have to grind or puree the food), etc. A lot of times, working in a regular restaurant is SO much easier.....
I've got all day off today. Need to mail some Wooly Buggers to a friend, then run over to BPS and stock up on some chenille for a custom jig order, as well as get some tying supplies, spare spool for a fly reel, backing, line, etc...... HRH is probably going to want lunch. No idea what I'm doing for dinner tonight.