What is a "Liberal" ?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Yup, thanks JigMan & Hookup, thats was I was looking for. Seems like if our lawmakers would be more flexible and apply both liberal and conservative principles as best choices for different issues we could avoid the party line gridlock we are now experiencing.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Good stuff there hook up. If more people did like you did and look at both sides of an issue then decide for themselves. Instead of looking at cnbc, CNN and other phycho babble.

Although my beliefs mostly fall on the conservative side, I tend to make my final decision on who I'll vote for based on where the candidates stand on issues first, then how honest they have been in the past and during the election cycle, then how much they avoid slinging dirt at other candidates.

In the "liberal's" behalf, I am a strong supporter of the environment and public education


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Remember when I was first starting to get informed about national affairs back in 2012 and you mentioned to my surprise that "Wall St. owns us"? That was a benchmark on a quest for truth detached from partisan "psycho babble" and I thank you for that HU.

Unfortunately, choosing Republican is a package deal, both public ed and environmental concerns are thrown under the bus. I've already mentioned the Republican public ed cuts result in Kansas. Non-publicised info is our Ogallala aquifer municipal water source is contaminated with carcinogenic ag chems, and I need a high end filter system to drink the water with peace of mind. Actually testing the water? - hahaha - that would be government overreach. Nebraska is so Republican there aren't any Dems running for congress.


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
I hold both conservative and liberal MORAL values and hate being labeled as one or the other: red/blue, left/right, lib/con. I am not an 'all-in' type of person with anything in life. For that reason, i rarely pick individual sides to back because it comes down to all or nothing. Sometimes i think the 2-party system is broken because of the dramatic swings that take place, the polarization that is a result and the fact that those who use both their left AND right hand to make decisions have zero chance of being heard with both hands at once. They get labeled for one decision or the other and are forced into one corner or the other. Maybe that doesn't make sense to anyone but me. However..... maybe this is the exact reason our founding fathers set the system up as it is....... there is a constant pendulum back and forth over the years that gets one group fired up and forces out the other. Give it 10-12 years and it swings back the other way. When you look at things in the long run, all the political party gains and losses average out and we always end up with a result somewhere in the middle and seem to keep moving forward. In my short 38 years on this planet, i can not tell you how many times i have heard people say our country will implode is 'so-and-so' is elected as president.

It is crazy how the fears i have for my children growing up seem to change so quickly. Terrorist threats..... environmental threats...... economic threats...... disease threats..... now it looks like we are in a downward spiral to go through another civil war over race? Both the economic and civil/social issues are all driven by media is my feelings. I hate the TV new channels..... all of them. I hate Yahoo news. But like everyone else in the world, can't seem to look away like a deer in headlights. With every little news article that comes out, it seems like others view our feelings about it as a POLITICAL side we are choosing and then fence us off into that group and treat us as a friend or foe. I just wish people would stop worrying so much about what the person beside them THINKS...... none of us can read minds.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Well chosen words to conceptualize the "independent" position. Considering our party partisan President choices, you'd think that choice would be understandable by those stuck in them or us mode.

Broadcast news is so disgusting I declined channel TV service. Yahoo! News started out focusing on significant issues, but now has dumbed down into a gossip rag.

The truth is we are being played like puppets using fear and anger as handles.

Edit:  and greed