Weinstein, Spacey, and this guy


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Heard about it, but just saw-heard it for the first time:



Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Your president is right, its actually amazing what you can get away with when you´re famous. I was about to write about some examples of other celebrities that I know of but deleted the rest of the post because it was too gross and sexually offensive. So lets just say he`s right.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Weinstein seems to have pulled the plug, all manner of celebrity accusers are coming out of the woodwork.

Diverts attention away from important issues like Benghazi, Hillary emails, and who paid for the Russia dossier.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
OK, I tried to stir the pot, but it seems that anyone who hasn't already noticed that one of the political parties and possibly the most corrupt administration ever are systematically destroying the affluence, health, protective rights, and safety net of REAL AMERICANS who each in their own way contribute with their hard work and caring for each other...won't .

More enemies! - Russia - Korea - China - Hillary - Trump - terrorists - people of different color, ethnic origin, or religion - gays - the other political party - freeloaders -do gooders - neo nazis - rogue cops. Wow, it never ends, thanks to media continually pumping this or that to HATE.

Need to keep reminding myself:
"All men are created equal"
"When you point a finger, there are 3 pointing back"
"In the end, only kindness matters"

Thanks again.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Peaking in the step-back of minister of defense Fallon, the british yellow press has recently coined the phrase "sex pest" for houerly surfacing allegations that reach back decades. The man had grabbed a female reporter`s knee 15 years ago.

Germany is astonishingly calm though. I guess folks have more important issues. Just read that 322,000 imigrants who were refused refugee status are plugging the courts for the next years to come. Since there is no hire&fire with judges, that means that if you plan any kind of investment over here the next 2-10 years, you better don`t step on anybodys toes who can afford a lawyer.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Limited knowledge, but Germany seems much more progressive in supporting sensible working class values. With the immigrant issue looming so large, I wonder if this may be a diversion to hide corruption or bog down criminal prosecution ?

Bubbles keep popping here, with more and more UNDISCLOSED administration ties to foreign governments. Hopefully, all the fools who thought elected and appointed gov positions would further their wealth and power will be publicly shamed or even prosecuted as the corrupt bass turds they are. Patriotic journalistic research is uncovering all manner of bilking tax payers and collusion, which would have continued flying under the radar if these egotists just remained content to be billionaires thru fraud, deceit, tax dodging, & bilking creditors. Now as government officials their names and corrupt activities are in the public eye.

Liberal fake news. Hahaha !

I thought this was kinda funny - the "Heart of Texas" Facebook site advocating secession with 250,000 likes ?


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
You bet! An unmarried middle-class German tolerates a total of 49% deduction in taxes and social security contribution, second only to Belgium. Life without health plan is unthinkable to us. Seriously. "not-so-well-thought-through" social security is #1 reason for greencard holders to repatriate themselves. Working law - when my father threw up in the morning before he started his car, which happened 1-3 times a week depending on season, it was usually because one of his employees called in sick or messed with him in some other way. Btw did I mention I abandoned the idea of employing a part time minimal wage (10$) shop hand? I found I was simply better off alone.

With the imigration - I`ve been given it a lot of thought and the best I can come up with is a scenario similar to the fall of the berlin wall: There was an ugly order on the table and nobdy wanted to take the blame for signing it. There were plans to send troops to the border and reject the first wave, according to the Dublin agreement which holds the first E.C. country responsible for matters of immigration. But it would have been ugly, and Merkel doesn´t deal ugly. Its not how she rolls.

Not sure if she had any idea of what she set off. Remember we are speaking of a person who grew up in a German state where migration as such, entrepreneurship and capital stocked private pension management existed only in critical literature. Back in the day, contract workers from Vietnam or Cuba were not permitted to reproduce on German soil; pregnant women were given the choice between leave and abortion. There are some things you don`t learn from books, even if you mean good.

She is paying the price now, last elections in september flushed a staggering 13% far right into the Bundestag (god she hates those guys) leaving her with the very uncomfortable task of coalition-building with three small parties who couldn´t be more difficult to say the least.

Long story short, if she has ever had a plan, it hasn`t come together yet. "paradise papers" as they call it is in full swing btw, lots of German names on the list.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Just familiarized myself with Ms. Merkel,  extraordinary intelligence with a quantum chemistry (whatever that is) education balanced by a GENUINE adherence to Christian beliefs.  A realistic approach to international relations with both the USA & Russia.  She is apparently not easily intimidated - quote regarding Putin -  "I understand why he has to do this – to prove he's a man. ... He's afraid of his own weakness."

German politics with so many parties is too confusing and irrelevant for me to research.  Basically, sociopaths like Hitler will always motivate enuf adherents with a propensity for violence and desperate for guidance using anger scapegoating as a handle to garner support.

I think all Bernie Sanders supporters knew the fix was in by the Clinton campaign.  Whats also VERY suspicious is the extreme disparity in the results of the popular and electoral votes for POTUS.  Maybe someday, when its too late of course, details will emerge like the "Paradise Papers".

Oh, were we supposed to be discussing the more important issue of male celebrity abuse of women?


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Ok ... I'll bite

Difference between locker room talk and trying to cop a feel or seduce a minor or a young actress so that she can 'get a head". Or give one?

Rising Hollywood starts are vulnerable. Sure they should be able to get there on their acting talent, but some need to work their ways up in other ways.

Is it right? No.

Does it happen? Yes.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Snark is fun, and lightening up is usually beneficial. What worries me is the silence of unshakable belief in misinformation, and angry divisiveness that prevents discussion. Decisions should be based on verifiable facts, and lies should be debunked.

With extremely polarized political parties and biased media, we NEED to consider both sides of a story. Newsworthy commentary from conservative Fox News and liberal New York Times for example should be fact checked and collated to discern perhaps the middle ground of truth. Rely on only one side and you might be getting only half truths, or even none at all.

Yes, it takes time and effort to research, but if we don't and demand TRUTH, we'll continue to be stuck with choices of CORRUPT LIARS to "lead" us.

Take Medicaid expansion in Maine, just passed by referendum by a clear majority of 59% for 41% against in a state where Republican governor LePage vetoed its passage in the state legislature. A case in point of the will of the people being obstructed by ONE MAN. The same thing happened in Kansas, where Republican governor Brownback also vetoed Medicaid expansion passed by the Republican super majority legislature. How is this serving constituents?

So now both the Senate and House passed resolutions to cut Medicaid by at least a TRILLION $, and the House voted to cut Medicare. Consider that.