Vertical jigging Master


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
If he's tying 7000 jigs and he's worried about running out!!!! I can't wait to see them, cause unless they work he wouldn't be tying all of them!!! and add to it that HE'S tying them not getting them done somewhere!!!


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Jungle Jim Funny that you should mention that!!!! I have been experimenting with my tyes and have found that red is a must if you want to catch fish on Caddo Lake. I have a little jig that I have been tying that is a patterned after the Flash Duck. The tail is the Flash Duck. Mallard Flank over Gadwall natural color in tying they become mixed then I tie a body of Silver tinsel very heavy and full. It ends up looking like a gizzard shad in a pony head it is killer but only with red flash in the tail and a red thread at the collar.

Since making that discovery I have found out that a red collar on my other patterns make them work better. Sorry that I hyjacked the thread for a post.



Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Redman, yep, it's funny how the red color can turn fish on! A few years back, a famous striped bass fishing charter captain that I know from North Carolina also discovered a HOT red pattern. One slow night down on the Outer Banks he and a few fishing friends were tying plain white bucktail jigs, rather crudely at that, for the next days charter, and began imbibing the handy liquid refreshments a bit too much. Then they got the crazy idea to paint big red "X"s on either side of the 2 oz heads as "eyes"! Well, the stripers the next day, and through that entire season went ballistic over the "secret X jigs" ;they literally caught TONS of huge stripers. Everyone in the OBX wanted those crazy jigs, and the Captain sold a huge amount of them!

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get to ask RED about hid use of "red' in his ultralight jigs & flies!!


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Yesterday I had the good fortune to actually visit Red Denmark at his home. Wow, what an outdoorsman is this former Alaskan big time game hunting guide! I entered past his garage where 2 fresh deer were hanging ,ready for skinning (hunting season just opened and friends bring him the deer for his expertise with a knife!), plus he was up to his elbows in fresh venison on his kitchen table where he was cutting roasts & steaks from 2 other deer!Through picture windows he overlooks the rather nice sized, beautifully peaceful lake he created years ago -a perfect visual spot to tie jigs, daydream, and cut meat! Photos of this setting should be up soon- I asked Keith at Hawnjigs to link em up for me. Of course Red's jigs will be displayed ,too!
Tying with Red is like getting a graduate degree seminar from an "Einstein" of jigology!He showed me the many swaths of fabric and fresh wool(some dyed with food coloring,which holds fast) that he ties with, mostly thanks to his wife Linda, a superb seamstress (and cook!!). Red has trialed and error'd his way to a pinched wool body (After seeming him tug to shape it, and how the wool absorbs water instantly to yield a perfect minnow shape, I'll never again use chennille!!), flashing from bright gold & green cloth, and a brilliant white tail from satin fibers that are pinched off a square of material. As Red puts it, "Sure I could tie a much neater, really fancy jig, and they would catch fish, but these models flat out work ALL THE TIME, everytime !" He takes 35-50 crappies, sometimes 150, even in August with his jigs, and a Pymatuning friend recently called to tell him about fishing for muskies exclusively with these tiny models -got 2 muskies just a while ago, including a 50 incher!
Red vertical jigs mostly,but trolls his 1/16 ozers along weedlines in natural lake as an excellent crappie locator, and will cast them sometimes over sand bars (has found if he tips with an inch of nightcrawler at these casting times that smallmouth bass and, strangely, northern pike can't resist em!!) In Spring he'll often take his bead head fly (same tying mix) and work shallow bays with the fly dangling 1 1/2' below a float over emerging weeds to annililate bluegill, crappie, and perch.
Lots more stuff to follow on this amazing guy, and his current efforts to hand build each & every jig of his anticipated 7000 jig supply for winter shows! By the way, as just an enjoyable, creative past time, Red is not likely to get rich -he sells 25 jigs by mail for a mere $30 ,which includes postage! Show prices are even better!! He loves to teach, talk fishing, and jig anglers!!


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
That's amazing that those make a jig that's so versatile and gets bit!!!!!!!!!! Did you get a step by step tying lesson or where he gets these materials??? Here's hoping


Active member
Jun 24, 2010
Waverly, Va.
I can see mhow they would flutter, and be chewy at the same time, gotta try this out where I live too!!


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
OK,let's try a quickee step by step! All materials can be obtained at a JoAnn's fabric store or similar craft type shop, even wool (tho Red likes wool from a butcher ,in a more natural state). He and his wife pour their own 1/16 and 1/32 oz roundheads , (usually) no 4 aberdeens, spray paint em white, then Linda has began artistically painting eyes with a toothpick.Red puts the jig, shank side up, in a vise,pinches off about 2 inches of wool, then stretches and shapes it a bit with his fingers. He lays in down ,ties around the center, then folds it back on itself to form the body,tying it fairly tight. He hangs on to the jig collar and tugs the back end of the wool (kinda hard) to shape, stretch it out, and remove loose wool.Then he gets some metallic gold or translucent,very bright greenish translucent cloth and slides off 10 3" fibers (no commercial fly tying flash is used or needed) -same tying method of holding it to the side,locking it down to collar with a few wraps, then shifting the forward section around to the opposite side to lash it down and back more securely. Then he takes a piece of pure white satin, again works ten long strands off with his fingernail, ties in the center again, and does the same backward positioning of fibers with the other side of the jig. He finishes with 3 half hitch ties, then applies nail polish. Red then goes to the back end and cuts the tail at an angle to what he deems as proper length. Not waiting for the nail polish to dry, he grabs the jig with forceps and swishes it in his handy water glass (check photo above) to insure balance and action (the dunking also instantly sets the nail polish!) As Red tells me, a trip to the fabric shop and you're set for life with the best possible tying materials, absolutely deadly on all fish everywhere, at almost no cost!


Active member
May 16, 2010
Piedmont, S.C.
Jiggerjohn, I have really enjoyed reading the story about Red as all tyers have a common bold, and seeing his work and a pic of Red has brought him to life for me to see. Thanks for posting the story, pics and the "step by step". Awesome :)

Lost Pole

New member
Nov 11, 2010
Pearl River, LA.
Good read all the way through.
I know a guy EXACTLY like your friend as far as fishing sacs goes. I'd put him up against anyone on our river system. He's an ornery old fella though. Couldn't pay him to troll or fish any other lure that didn't have a orange head and white n chart tube on it. The thing is that he is flat out surgical in technique. I think that's where the difference lies. He'll ask if you're doing any good when he approaches and if you say "nothing", he'll pull one from under your boat then smile and ride off. You can hear him as he goes along bc he'll often not touch the fish when it's on. He swings em back in to the front of the boat and knock em into the inside bow of the boat, knocking it off into the floor. He's a machine.
You're buddies jigs look pretty sweet. Y'alls water perty clear?


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Saint Louis,Mo
Great tutorial and pics. He must be a great guy to share his tying and fishing secrets. Short list of materials needed to catch ton's of fish. Thanks John and Thank you Red for sharing with us.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
This is a fantastic story. Normally I don't take the time to read completely through the longer posts. Found myself going back to read it all again. I would enjoy sitting around a camp fire with Red and hearing some stories. Thanks so much for sharing.


New member
Oct 10, 2012
Lake Erie N.Y.
Did you find out what shows he is going to and the dates? I sure would like to meet him. If I could make one of his shows , I sure would try my best to get there.


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Ridge - Red told me for sure he'll be having a booth, tying all days at the booth, and even instructing (free!) interested guys in his tying techniques,plus a seminar or 2, at the Niles,Ohio Sportsman Show from Mar 1- Mar 3 at Eastwood Expo Center.This is a smaller,more "angler friendly" show with good ole time deals & extra goodies! Then he has been asked and plans on shows in Cleveland, Buffalo, and we're working on getting him a spot at the big Pittsburgh event. At any show that Red is present, he'll be gabbing nonstop, cause he loves to share stories from his fascinating outdoor life ; as Red laughingly puts it "Some of the stuff may even be true!!"


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Yeah but Jigger those are the good ones!!!!!!!!! If I remember correctly the show listed in Buffalo is usually at the Erie County Fairgrounds. That's about 25 miles from where I grew up so I know where it is. Does he have a schedule listed anywhere as to when these shows will be???


New member
Oct 10, 2012
Lake Erie N.Y.
Thanks for the reply jiggerjohn. I'm interested in the Buffalo show. I think that Fatman is right. If it's the one I'm thinking of it will be at the Erie County Fairgrounds in February.