Seen everything? If not, come to Kiel and check out our new air purifier!

EU scientists had found out that people who lack the means and/or common sense to move out of the direct proximity of major roadways die significantly earlier than those who live in nice suburbs. They link this to carbonmonoxid and have set a limit at 40mg per cubic meter. A candle in the room equals around 200mg. If these limits are met, the town has to do something, s.a. driving bans for diesel engines. Needless to say that you don`t want that in a country with a thriving car industry which is quickly recovering from a scam software scandal.
Most European ciites have made full use of their tolerances and installed their sensor stations on roof tops or 20yrds away from the driveway etc. This one station here - hidden in the picture behind the air purifier - does not allow for that tolerance though and hit the limit. The city has actually considered to speak out a ban for elder diesel engines for one lane - just to get the readings down. Now they try the 80,000€ purifier.
It was critizised that the purifier was placed on the bicycle lane, blocking it. They discussed a solution on stilts but rejected it since the good clean air was supposed to benefit the children and elderly pedestrians and should not go up and be waisted...
This is not a joke, I am not making this up.

EU scientists had found out that people who lack the means and/or common sense to move out of the direct proximity of major roadways die significantly earlier than those who live in nice suburbs. They link this to carbonmonoxid and have set a limit at 40mg per cubic meter. A candle in the room equals around 200mg. If these limits are met, the town has to do something, s.a. driving bans for diesel engines. Needless to say that you don`t want that in a country with a thriving car industry which is quickly recovering from a scam software scandal.
Most European ciites have made full use of their tolerances and installed their sensor stations on roof tops or 20yrds away from the driveway etc. This one station here - hidden in the picture behind the air purifier - does not allow for that tolerance though and hit the limit. The city has actually considered to speak out a ban for elder diesel engines for one lane - just to get the readings down. Now they try the 80,000€ purifier.
It was critizised that the purifier was placed on the bicycle lane, blocking it. They discussed a solution on stilts but rejected it since the good clean air was supposed to benefit the children and elderly pedestrians and should not go up and be waisted...
This is not a joke, I am not making this up.