Good to hear you chime in, Papa, cuz I know you are proud of the country that gave you the chance to prosper by your own efforts, and are concerned about the actions of those we've entrusted to lead us. Like me.
The TPP fiasco is absolutely wonderful IMO. What has been leaked to the public is that it was drafted by multi-national corps in secrecy to hide their attempt to position themselves above the law. The ISDS provision, Investor State Dispute Settlement, enables a FOREIGN business entity to sue OUR government for lost profits OUTSIDE our legal system. So, legislators who support the TPP have outed themselves as corporate lackeys beholden only to their contributors. Out in the open, no need to guess who is a lying corrupt bass turd. Also outs legislators who genuinely consider themselves guardians of US by OPPOSING this power grab attempt by the already filthy rich who can afford to buy governments. If your heroes in government or media supports the TPP, well, you've been warned, maybe time to jump on a different horse.
If I may suggest Papa, and I may be wrong, communism at government levels no longer exists except as an emotional buzz word to throw at someone to discredit them. Witch trials and red scare. And socialism is also just a term hammered by a sector of our media to evoke a negative feeling for government benefit programs. I think if one asks the citizens of a country with "socialized" medicine, more accurately described as a single payer system, one might get a different point of view than available on for example Fox News. Lots of polls are available by impartial takers comparing the relative satisfaction of multi-national citizens with their health care. Luckily, our family friends are Norwegian American who travel back & forth so I have first hand input, albeit limited.
So, the TPP issue has more than other partisan politics gamesmanship entertainment exemplified JigMan's assertion that there is really no distinction between Republicans & Democrats. What's dangerous about the TPP is that bought and paid for corrupt politicians of both parties have found common ground to collaborate, like drug cartels calling a truce.