Too Big to Fail?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
RadT, thank you for posting the list, which I read, but very few interested me enuf to follow the links. Many of the "lies" were nitpicky and frivolous. Same with the Obama sites posting of Mitt Romney's verbiage slips. Politispeak from both sides no longer interests me.

Further, I'm spending too much time chasing web articles and falling behind work and chores, so I'm going to cut back online researching. I do commend you for being much more detail informed than most including me. Perhaps your knowledge will be useful as a basis for some affirmative action regardless of outcome of Nov. elections.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Lancaster, Pa.
They could change the level at which you stop paying S.S. tax. (raise it)
They could cut back on the welfare and other frauds.
Their own pensions
Stop wasting money on these fancy trips we have been reading about and using our maony for personal items on the not needed "conventions"
Flat tax has always sounded good to me. All pay a fair percent.

Start charging companies a high tarrif that send work over seas, and then send the product back here to sell. Mayube that will bring more jobs back.

My opinon on the election, I'm tired of voting for the highest floating turd in the toilet.

I really like that video. Sent it to a lot of people, thanks!



New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
This “Obama Care” is good example of what not to do and how to mess things up.

With out “Obama Care” we all ready have a “Care Plan” in place.

If You have a need for urgent care you go into the Emergency Room and they will “See” You if You have any money or not … Some one has to pay for it and every one who can Pay gets charged for it by the Medical Care Facility charging you enough to pay for these“No Pays” What else are included in these charges … A big thing is the cost of “Liability Insurance” to cover them. These are only a couple of examples.

Now then we are paying for “Medicare” (Mandatory) every time a withholding is made from Your income.

Just from the above examples we are all ready paying our “Fair Share”

Where we could use some help is in the cost of Health Insurance … Simple .. Let Insurance Companies cross state lines and be competitive Nation wide .. this would drive these cost down … Only reason I see for the Feds to have any say over the problem.

But as most of you know Government wants MORE .. Money & Control …

Condensed Version of the PROBLEM …

Off of Soap Box



Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Interesting read.

No one mentioned the price of security (and dont even get me going on my illegal immegrant rant, which is tied into security). Remember, the budget was balanced under Clinton, but so was his nether-parts. But Clinton scaled back big-time on defense, and Bush felt, and imho rightly so, it was time to build it back up. Then 9/11. Huge money with a new federal agency being created for security, black projects we don't even want to know about being funded. And at the end of the Bush era, debt.

Then crash. Obama took over & all I hear today is it was Bush's fault. Debt doubled, then tripled under Obama for all the reasons mentioned above, some starting w/ Obama, some starting before him. Bottom line, Obama's the president, man up, take responsibility, and do something and don't blame everyone else for the problems today.

So Obama did something, wrong imho again, but he did. Now who'll fix it?

Romney? Obama? Ryan? Not sure. Stay tuned and let's all hope the nation goes in the right direction.

All I know is for us to go into the right direction EVERYONE needs to work together and not be so bi-polar. Our nation has been divided before, and now it’s time to come together, kick butt, and work on making us whole - rich & poor, democrats & republicans, religious & atheists. Unite & cheer for the country like we do for our athletes in the Olympics.