Glory days of Summer are done, and there is only a single spot with any chance of catching fish from shore within my comfort range of an hour drive from home. Normally productive canals connecting 3 reservoirs are shut down and even the crawdads in remainder pools croaked. Tragic amount of smallies especially are history.
Luckily the aforementioned high pressure spot is being ignored as fished out by the daylight meathead bait dunkers, but my usual tactic of slow twitching jigs at night is scratching up a few stray wallys, saugeye, & smallies. A few means a single wally per hour, which I still pursue every night as better n nuthin. Always alone.
Mentioning because I've discovered a plastic tail that outfishes all my others. In fact sometimes I can throw my entire arsenal of normally effective tails without a bite or with only a very occasional vague bump, and the switch gets bit. As mentioned tho, its not a hot bite, just an occasional few & far between fish on the line.
First time I tried a Zman Elas-tech bait, and the just right size Opening Night color 2-1/2" Slim Swim surprised me. Had to contrapt a special 1/8 oz plain ball 1/0 Gami 604 jig head to hold the soft squirmy stuff on the jig head, as it slides off too easily on my normally grabby double cone Hooksup holder collar. 6 or 7 glued 3mm plastic beads on the hook shank holds the bait very securely and the claim that the stretchy plastic (silicone?) resists tearing is true. I can keep catching fish with the same bait remaining intact until snagged and lost.

Actually last night was a surprising unusually prolific bite, 5 wallys + 5 saugeye + 4 smallies. Nothing big, & altho I only C&R a few wallys were decent keep to eat size at plus or minus 20".
Anyone else experienced the unique Zman baits?
Luckily the aforementioned high pressure spot is being ignored as fished out by the daylight meathead bait dunkers, but my usual tactic of slow twitching jigs at night is scratching up a few stray wallys, saugeye, & smallies. A few means a single wally per hour, which I still pursue every night as better n nuthin. Always alone.
Mentioning because I've discovered a plastic tail that outfishes all my others. In fact sometimes I can throw my entire arsenal of normally effective tails without a bite or with only a very occasional vague bump, and the switch gets bit. As mentioned tho, its not a hot bite, just an occasional few & far between fish on the line.
First time I tried a Zman Elas-tech bait, and the just right size Opening Night color 2-1/2" Slim Swim surprised me. Had to contrapt a special 1/8 oz plain ball 1/0 Gami 604 jig head to hold the soft squirmy stuff on the jig head, as it slides off too easily on my normally grabby double cone Hooksup holder collar. 6 or 7 glued 3mm plastic beads on the hook shank holds the bait very securely and the claim that the stretchy plastic (silicone?) resists tearing is true. I can keep catching fish with the same bait remaining intact until snagged and lost.

Actually last night was a surprising unusually prolific bite, 5 wallys + 5 saugeye + 4 smallies. Nothing big, & altho I only C&R a few wallys were decent keep to eat size at plus or minus 20".
Anyone else experienced the unique Zman baits?