Romney Tax Plan Study


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
"RE: Romney Tax Plan Study
Rad Thanks for posting this piece. Ronald Reagan I heard him speak in person several times. He always made you feel as if you were the only one in the room or Auditorium and he was speaking to you alone. Almost every thing that he said was spot on and he Upheld the Constitution. As far as I am concerned He was the last great American President.

Others in there own mind may think that they are his equal but they are far from it. He took over at a time when the U.S.A. was in real trouble and pulled it back from the brink of REAL depression, Ended the Cold War , And Made the rest of the World respect the Super Power that we are. Reagen bowed to no one and had the world's respect. All he had was a Belief in God, Conservative philosophy, and the Backbone to stay with it.

God bless you and Good night,

Redman "
X2 .... I have been thru a bunch of Presidents starting with FDR .... Reagan was the right man at the right time ... Notice that the Liberals like to quote him when it helps their "Mission" ... Bill Clinton Benifited from what Reagan put in place ... since Clinton its gone to hell in a hand basket ... Guys get off of that garbage they feed you about the big fat CEOs .. If a guy was worth that much money to a corp. and the board agreed on it what bizness is it of ours? .... its free enterprise at work ... put your self in a office of sucess with a corp weither you started it or not ... I will now get off of my soap box before I run my mouth too much.

2.00 dollars worth (Inflation is really going to get bad).


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Sorry I am not going to beat around the bush. I am a Constitutional Conservative Republican. I am to dang old to play games any more. This country is in trouble and has gone down hill the last 4 years. We are saddling our kids and Grand kids with a debt that they will never be able to pay off. Our freedoms are being taken away. It wasn't this way under ether of the Bush's or even Clinton. We are living under a soft tyranny. Read Mark Levin's Book " Liberty and Tyranny " The Man Child that is in the White House had trampled on the Constitution Pushed upon the American People a giant TAX commonly known as the Affordable Healthcare Act . So Don't talk to me about how the Man Child is going to save this country HE IS NOT.

In a Corporate setting he would be handed his walking papers and never get another job. He has failed not only the people that voted for him but the REST of us that have given him time to do the job. Not happy with the unemployment rate, his budget, Oh wait he dosen't have one or has the senate past one Thanks Harry Reid, or the national debt.

Now that I have tick off most of you I will get off my soap box and not speak of it again For this is how I STAND.

God bless you and Good Night



Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Redman "If a guy was worth that much money to a corp. and the board agreed on it what bizness is it of ours? .... its free enterprise at work ". I agree with you, but when they started to fail the Gov't SHOULD NOT have bailed them out


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
As I see it we have a choice between an abject failure and a proven one at that. If BS was snow this president would be a one man blizzard. The other choice is a man may or may not be a good president. For that very reason I will vote for Romney. He may succeed despite my misgivings. President Obama on the other hand has proven that he is not qualified for this demanding job. One other thing I truly believe President Obama does not like this country. At least Romney loves this country. Listen closely to their speeches and see if you come away with the same feeling.

Creating Jobs- the present administration likes to crow about the No# of jobs created every month and the liberal press touts their agreement. Be advised 100K jobs a month is very anemic. An average economy would be producing about 250K to 300K a month. A robust economy would be showing 450K to 500K + a month.

Truth is GOVERNMENT cannot create jobs. They can however create a system which encourages businesses to succeed. Businesses are not going to hire new employees because of tax breaks or other intangible reasons. When orders to their business exceed the capacity of their labor force to produce enough to meet demand. Then and only then will they take on new help.

Our Constitution is not outdated but our tax code for the IRS is. I am no fan of Ron Paul but he did get one thing right. We need a whole new tax plan putting band-aids on this conglomerated mess that even IRS employees can not deliver the right answer to some questions. Some companies spend more to ensure that they are compliant with the tax law than they do on researching and developing products.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
FM Said "but when they started to fail the Gov't SHOULD NOT have bailed them out "

Amen !!!!
PP Said "Truth is GOVERNMENT cannot create jobs. They can however create a system which encourages businesses to succeed."

Another Amen to that !!!!!!!!!!!

RM Said "Sorry I am not going to beat around the bush. I am a Constitutional Conservative Republican"

Another Amen to that !!!!!!!!!!!

Now I will go tie some jigs.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
I don't like seeing my expenses, be they taxes or inflationary consumer cost go up. I haven't noticed losing any freedoms, but don't like the idea. I'm gratified, like most Americans, to have a solid rights foundation in the Constitution. I don't think private enterprise for profit should be taxpayer funded, unless we receive at least equal value for expense. For starters. WE have a lot in common, you think? Yet, I don't consider myself "conservative" any more than "liberal".

Yes, we are in trouble. As in shot full of holes and bleeding. Our food supply is becoming a public subsidised industry controlled by mega-corps. Extraction, transportation, and use reliance of fossil fuels is compromising our water, food, weather, even the air we breath. Demand for cheaper consumer goods has shifted production overseas. Our war machine has earned us the disrespect or even hate of I suspect most foreign countries. Our health "insurance" system is apparently causing unattended deaths and financial ruin. Corporate raiders have free reign to deliberately gut and bankrupt sound businesses. So called investment bankers can fabricate and sell instruments they know to be worthless with impunity. Worse still, the profits are being manipulated to avoid taxes and are stashed overseas where it is of no benefit to AMERICANS. I'll stop here, but I'm sure YOU can add to this list.

Times change, I've posted a link comparing the Republican party of the Reagan years and now. IMObservation the present GOP as evidenced by their front man represents primarily the top 2% wealthy. To win, they need the support of another 49% of the backbone working class, US. They have deeper pockets than the other side, and anyone who cares to research can follow the money.

I notice that Obama blamers tend to overlook the legislative partisan obstruction that has prevented most of our President's proposals passage. So without further beating, I will say that I'm voting him another chance, and hope the legislature is more accomodating to his proposals, for better or for worse. This is not primarily a support vote, I think there is enuf evidence, not mere opposition allegations, of the challenger's background as a corporate raider, outsourcer, tax dodger, and, well, liar. Like, the sole owner and CEO of Bain Capital had no say in the operational decisions for what, 3 years?

Please, consider me a fool, but no hard feelings, yes?


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
No hard feelings Hawnjigs everyone is entitled to their opinion. But one thing you must know . From 2008 to 2010 the democrats has SUPER majorities in House , Senate and control of the presidency. During these two years they could have passed ANYTHING they wanted to and the republicans could not do anything to stop them. During these two years the Senate never passed a budget,. Simpson - Boles, appointed by President Obama ,offered many actions needed to bring our deficit down. The President ignored every suggestion made by this committee. It is apparent to me he has no real intention or interest in bringing our deficit down.

Next time you hear one of the talking heads for the Liberals ranting about the rich paying their fair share of taxes . Please note they will never put a figure on how much is enough or fair. That is so that figure can always rise next year or next election. France's new Socialist president is talking about a 75 % rate for his rich folks. Frances neighboring countries are already appealing to these people to move HERE. Much like California's neighboring states offered tax relief to companies and individuals that California was pillaging.

Another sure thing , regardless of how much taxes the rich will or will not be paying. Your taxes and mine will not go down. That's one thing I can assure you.

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
Hawnjigs said:
I don't like seeing my expenses, be they taxes or inflationary consumer cost go up. I haven't noticed losing any freedoms, but don't like the idea. I'm gratified, like most Americans, to have a solid rights foundation in the Constitution. I don't think private enterprise for profit should be taxpayer funded, unless we receive at least equal value for expense. For starters. WE have a lot in common, you think? Yet, I don't consider myself "conservative" any more than "liberal".

Yes, we are in trouble. As in shot full of holes and bleeding. Our food supply is becoming a public subsidised industry controlled by mega-corps. Extraction, transportation, and use reliance of fossil fuels is compromising our water, food, weather, even the air we breath. Demand for cheaper consumer goods has shifted production overseas. Our war machine has earned us the disrespect or even hate of I suspect most foreign countries. Our health "insurance" system is apparently causing unattended deaths and financial ruin. Corporate raiders have free reign to deliberately gut and bankrupt sound businesses. So called investment bankers can fabricate and sell instruments they know to be worthless with impunity. Worse still, the profits are being manipulated to avoid taxes and are stashed overseas where it is of no benefit to AMERICANS. I'll stop here, but I'm sure YOU can add to this list.

Times change, I've posted a link comparing the Republican party of the Reagan years and now. IMObservation the present GOP as evidenced by their front man represents primarily the top 2% wealthy. To win, they need the support of another 49% of the backbone working class, US. They have deeper pockets than the other side, and anyone who cares to research can follow the money.

I notice that Obama blamers tend to overlook the legislative partisan obstruction that has prevented most of our President's proposals passage. So without further beating, I will say that I'm voting him another chance, and hope the legislature is more accomodating to his proposals, for better or for worse. This is not primarily a support vote, I think there is enuf evidence, not mere opposition allegations, of the challenger's background as a corporate raider, outsourcer, tax dodger, and, well, liar. Like, the sole owner and CEO of Bain Capital had no say in the operational decisions for what, 3 years?

Please, consider me a fool, but no hard feelings, yes?

Really doesn't matter to me who you vote for, its your right as a tax payer of sound mind. But it seems like you stated in another post something along the lines of being heavily restricted in gun ownership. That being said, it sounds like you have already lost your second amendment rights.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
JigMan, yes, our state has been gun controlled as far back as I can remember. I was surprised when first visiting the mainland (CO) 10 or so years ago that open carry was legal and concealed only required passing a test. I owned a few handguns when I lived on another island(Oahu) with public practice range options, but since moving to the Big Island kinda just lost interest. Sold the last of my firearms around 20 years ago and haven't felt the need to aquire more. The ownership requirements might be a bit more strict here nowadays, but basically honest citizens can still own firearms kept in their homes. Only rifles min 18" barrel may be carried in designated hunting areas. I personally never had the opportunity to hunt critters that can run away.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
"Another sure thing , regardless of how much taxes the rich will or will not be paying. Your taxes and mine will not go down. That's one thing I can assure you."

PapaP, isn't tax cuts for all a major platform of the CEO challenger? I'm not an advocate of bleeding the rich on principle, but think the Dem proposal of extending the Bush tax cuts for the MIDDLE CLASS while RESTORING the pre-cut upper income bracket rates is as fair a tax solution as currently possible.

I'm not aware of the failures of the Dem controlled congress up to 2010 since as I've only started to follow issues this year. That news is disturbing but it would require a CEO challenger of better moral character for me to consider an alternate to staus quo.