I've used pigments from this company quite a bit and love their pearl and color changing pigments.
This China based company has good prices and appears to have decent quality their 10 gm packets (0.35oz) are good for trial and error testing.
I have done a lot of experiments and find 1part pigment to 4 parts clear is IMO the correct use. PP and cure jig as normal then reheat and PP with the glow mixture and cure a second time.
my trials have shown that green has the longest glow period blue is in the mid range and pink is at the bottom. Also, just because the glow under a black light, does not mean they will glow in darkness. I do my charging with a UV nail poilish dryer then turn out the lights in my shop. Some powders really glow and others do not or barely glow which may or may not be a good thing, I messed with this a couple summers ago and found that the really bright glow was often too much and the lure would scare fish away. Back then, I had 12 colors of pigment thru the china company (they have since added 2 more) and I bought 1 packet of each color and 6 extra packs of the green (they we 50 cents each at the time) and spent hours playing around and final testing was to place a rack of jigs on my deck in the afternoon and right before bedtime go out and take a look. Some colors were glowing well and others were not. So I learned if you are going to use them remember the glow is often short lived so if you have the right combo, and the bite starts dropping off its time to recharge.