Very nice haul.It's a little bit of work,but,when you are done,well worth the effort.If I am making smaller heads,I'll mix 2 of the hard ingots,with 1 of the soft lead ingots.Very nice mix of lead that way.
Thanks guys, I did have a bottle of water sitting on my 4-wheeler and it was parked about 20 ft away from the pot, upwind I should say. Thanks to everyone's warnings and tips, I'm being careful, wearing gloves and washing my hands after handling any lead. After reading about JJ's incident, I was scared to get close to the pot.
I'd take that eyelet right out of the one before melting down - that's where moisture can get in. If you're really worried about big splatters get a chunk of plywood and use a little of the clean stuff to get a base going in the pot - but one of those in and cover with the plywood.
I have a cast iron pot and mine has the lid that goes with it - but most of my lead is all cleaned so I'm only using the bottom pour for making my jigs. Thinking about getting rid of it.
The other lead anchor has a piece of chain coming out of the other side. If I try to melt one I'm gonna cover the pot with something and stay away from it till its melted.