Keystone XL Pipeline Discrepancies

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
****** makes it more interesting. Subject/off-subject, I never understood how a private business man could use the same tactics to have people evicted from their homes to build a football stadium... But Jerry did it!


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Doesn't the NFL also enjoy tax exempt status as a non-profit?

Scott Walker is proposing to build a new $200 mil stadium coincidental with cutting education funding by $ 300 mil.

Who knows JM, someone with pull might be eyeballing your place for a hockey arena.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Looks like a similar situation in Nicaragua, a FOREIGN company starting to build a 161 mile alternate to the 51 mile Panama Canal. Heck with the landowners, local citizens protest, and oil tankers in the main water supply lake and watershed for the entire country. Think of all the jobs!


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Ah what the heck lets ban EVERYTHING.

5 gallon buckets because some toddlers have drowned in them.
Motorized transportation of any sort look how many people die in accidents every year.
Corporations as according to some they are all evil .
Housing as look how many die in house fires every year.
Money as look at all the evil in collecting enough to live on causes let alone someone actually getting rich.
Airplanes because they crash and go missing.

I could go on and on but of course I am just taking it to a ridiculous level. Which is just a debating technique. There are always more reasons for NOT doing something. Brush up on your history a little. When Seward proposed buying Alaska from Russia. Naysayers called it " Sewards Folly " and any other catchy phrase. Fulton was laughed at for his use of the steam engine.

Some of our leaders seem intent on crippling our economy or whats left of it. They can crow all they want about unemployment rate dropping to @ 5 %. All I know the largest percentage of Americans NOT working at any job is at a all time high. There are now more Americans on the food stamp program then ever before. The EPA did some admirable work in the past but has lost sight of its original intent. Now it is used as a political weapon just as the IRS does.

In a way I am kind of glad that I am on the tail end of life. I grew up in the 50's when love of country was not frowned on. Where hard work and ingenuity was admired and something to be proud of. There were problems back then for sure. But politicians tried to do what was best for the country. Now its whats best for the Party. Our public media used to laugh at all the propaganda coming from Tass and Pravda. Now their stories are so slanted it almost makes " Baghdad Bob " a paragon of truth.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Papa, thank you for posting my topic, and sorry for the delay in responding. I thought posting timely headsup factual news might be of value, but it appears I was wrong.

Its truly tragic that good people like yourself with solid work ethics and patriotic pride whose rightful indignation has been used by a nefarious media with hidden agendas. Their basic policy is simple - helping the rich get richer at the expense of the most of us working class.

Push the right emotional buttons and many can be made to believe in "corporations are people", "whats wrong with being rich?", and "trickle down" to justify squeezing your dollars into their pockets at any cost.

So, here's some related tidbits of current news, hopefully not enuf to cause boredom.
1. Nestle Corp. has been and is illegally pumping water for bottling from a CA national forest source for the past 27 years.
2. Thru tax avoidance loopholes like offshoring profits, many large corps pay ZERO taxes, like CBS, Time Warner, & Xerox.
Additionally, those tip of the iceberg 3 actually received $377,000,000 in tax refunds combined.
3. Repealing the estate tax only benefits those larger than $5,430,000 which excludes 99.8% of us.


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
How about these whoppers from the left side of the aisle ?

1. If you like you doctor you can keep your doctor period
2. If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan period
3. The average family will see their heath care cost go down 2500 annually
4. There is not a smidgen of evidence that the IRS targeted conservative groups.
5. ISIS is just " junior varsity " nothing to be concerned about.

I could go on and on. Not even mentioning all the lies told about " global warming ".

Every one of the dire predictions made about " global warming " in the 1970's and 1980's. Not ONE has come about.Anyone else making predictions that never came true would be laughed at. But it has succeeded in giving government that much more control over individual liberty. One thing it has succeeded in it made Al Gore a very rich man. Whose life style leaves a larger carbon footprint than 20 average people.

Figures lie and liars figure. But neither side of the political fence is innocent of abusing the truth.

The reason I am a conservative is because true conservatives KNOW the government only makes things worse and more expensive. Trouble is a lot of so called republicans are no more than " democrat light ".
Someone is going to HAVE to care about how much our national debt soars to. While government can continue to print money to prop everything up. Eventually we will hit the " Weimar Republic " syndrome and then Katy bar the door.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Precisely what I'm attempting to share. Many of us are now deeply convinced that the government is our enemy. Somehow, the "they" of government is less and less "our". Lately, even obstruction and disobedience are promoted as patriotic? Nonetheless, the media encourages choosing a partisan side replete with heroes and villains drama to entertain and distract.

The question is, who is pulling the strings of public sentiment and stands to gain from the erosion of confidence in government and divisiveness of party politics? The answer is simple and edifying, and easily accessible beyond media spin.

Sorry to sound like a know-it-all at a time when no-it-all seems to be a more accepted attitude. For me, the test of truths I preferred to integrate was how they made me feel. Maybe a silly platitude, but we have a choice to love or hate.

Again, my use of "big" words isn't being smarty, rather offering an opportunity for mental exercise.

Jig Man, any details?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
HR 156 passed the House of Representatives last month:
"To repeal the crude oil export ban under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act"

So much for the energy independence benefit of "less reliance on foreign oil sources" as Keystone XL oil will likely be shipped overseas. Along with the current domestic supply glut which will likely increase prices at the pump.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Just speculative food for thought, but if the Keystone XL developers bought approvals at the legislative levels via nearly quarter million $ "contributions" per vote, just imagine how much the President was offered? Guess it wasn't enuf.

Can't say the same for Obama's Trans Pacific Partnership support, another big bizness grift. Or the Nebraska lawmakers including our Guvnor who are allowing a FOREIGN company to force condemnation on 100 Nebraska property owners who objected to Keystone XL on their land.

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
Not sure about the rest of ya'll, but I'm kinda enjoying price at the pump!!! Makes it a little easier to live when you don't get cost of living raises...


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
I'm with yah, JM, but I don't mind paying a bit more if it would help keep the smaller shale oil producers afloat. Otherwise, we'll be at the mercy of big oil AGAIN and their excuses for jacking prices.

Domestic production should be SOLELY for USA consumers. Does it make any sense to end a 40 year ban and start exporting OUR oil to China while still importing from foreign countries?