Increase Oil Drilling for Lower Gas Prices


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
Got a kick out of the Video.

Democrat or Republican they both have been guilty of getting us into this mess.
Really wish I knew the true story about the oil delima .. none of it makes sense (the international part and not using our own) ...

As far as Government is concerned, had they stuck to the Constitution and continued as our originators intended the path for this country, we would be in good shape ... GREED and I will flat out say here that we have bunch of FELONS running this country .... I don't want the Government telling me what to do or to protect me from myself ... States Rights has been gone for many years .. the only time the Feds acknowlage States Rights is when it is convient for them to do so .... They have us where they want us not just the little guy but the big ones as well .. When close to 50% are not paying a penny in taxes You are in sad shape ... (note: The Fair Tax would correct a lot of the problems but the poloticians would loose the CONTROL they now have)

Just one last thing Thomas Jefferson said "Do not let the lawyers make the Laws" ....
What do we have but a bunch of Lawyers doing just this ... What is a Good Lawyer ?? A good CON ARTIST..So I call a Lawyer Polotician a SUPER CON ARTIST .. The bad ones keep the good ones from doing much of anything ...

I could Ramble on with my poor spelling but I will now crawl down off of my Soap Box.

(One last word The Fed Gov only spends money they are not in the biz to make it (Except by printing it)
The best spent money that we have gotten a lot of benifit from is The Military and NASA .. they spent a lot but they have given us our protection and just an enormus amount of advancements in electronics but that was a pile of dough doing it)