papaperch said:
Sorry to see so many people hate the rich.
I do not hate the rich. There's nothing wrong with earning wealth ethically and legally. I admire rich people who worked for their money and made it the smart and legal way. I do hate those who get rich unethically at the expense of others. Was it right what happened to the folks at Enron? A few people at the top cooked the books, gutted the company and made out like bandits while investors and employees were left with nothing. Is that something we should applaude?
papaperch said:
Twenty years ago I would have never considered that Karl Marx's strategy would ever take root here in the USA. But it seems to be growing at an alarming rate. Taking into account that socialism or communism has a very poor track record in producing freedom or prosperity anywhere in the world.
The terms communist and socialist are not the same thing. The US has about as much chance of turning communist as I have of flapping my arms and flying to the moon, but many of the democratic countries in Europe have some level of socialism and they get along just fine. Personally, I'd like to see some form of universal healthcare like Canada or some of the European countries have so people without health insurance don't face financial ruin should they get seriously ill or have an accident. But considering how many people rail against government getting involved with health care, I guess they're OK with the working poor and unemployed being saddled with crushing debt or risking possible death.
I knew a guy at my old job who slipped on an icy pavement and broke his leg with a compound fracture. He was working (it was before he started working where I was,) but the job didn't offer health insurance. One of the bone fragments broke the skin and severed an artery and he nearly bled to death. He ended up with a $50,000 hospital bill, lost his job, and had to declare bankruptcy. But he was lucky compared to someone a friend of mine knew.
She had a neighbor who was complaining about chest pains but was hoping it was gas. He was a widower with a young daughter. Friend told him to go to the hospital, but he was unemployed and didn't want to put his daughter's college fund at risk if it turned out to be nothing. The guy's mother came to check on him the next day and found him dead of a heart attack. Think about this poor guy and his daughter who is now an orphan next time you hear someone ranting about how government provided health care is socialism. What kind of society makes people choose between their children's education and getting help for potentially fatal health problems?
papaperch said:
When a politician cannot run on his record he has to divert the voting public's attention. Class envy has always been an effective weapon. Racism is even being employed as a tool. President Obama is trying to divide and conquer. I have no problem with the color of his skin. Where the problem lies is with his failures. His huge economical stimulus plan did nothing to stimulate anything. There are now more American on food stamps then ever before. There are more children living at poverty levels then ever before. Yet he wants to double down on the things that have not worked before. If any of you had a man that ran your business like he has run this country. He would have been fired long before 4 years.
I don't agree with all of the President's policies, but divide and conquer what? He's already got the highest public office in the entire country. Please tell me you're not one of those people who think he wants to declare himself dictator or something. Yeah, the economy is crap. Worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Anyone who expected a magic bullet is a moron. And yet the Republicans are always pushing to cut benefits for those poor people on food stamps.
Remember they repeatedly tried to block funding for extending unemployment benefits back in 2010? Millions of people were depending on those checks to stay in their homes while looking for work, and yet the Republicans were willing to risk making them homeless just to have a pissing match with the President over the budget. A budget which was not a priority under Bush, I might add. They only quit when they figured out it was making them look bad to voters.
papaperch said:
I hate to pick on Detroit Michigan but facts are facts. I don't think anyone can remember the last time a Republican got elected to anything there. It has long been a bastion of Liberal democrats. So they have been in full control since I can remember. Take a drive thru that town and see what a liberal paradise looks like. Portions of it look like Berlin at the end of WWII. Cleveland Ohio a place 50 miles from me in my home state does not look much better. It is also a bed rock place of liberalism.
It's not nearly that simple. Seattle Washington is blue as a Smurf, and it's doing quite well considering the economic climate. So are Boston, Portland and Philadelphia. If liberal control were the real problem, shouldn't all these cities share the same economic woes? On the other hand, there are cities in consevative areas that are just as bad as Cleveland and Detroit.
papaperch said:
If the majority of Americans feel that unfettered liberalism is the answer this fall. Then I will see a lot of you in our community soup lines. I won't have a choice I will be hungry too.
Guess you'd better stay healthy, then. Cause if you're not rich the conservatives don't give a **** about you.