Immigrant Labor


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Bout 10 yrs ago Cathie & I were strolling at Mahukona Beach Park when we heard a tiny "mew" coming from a tiny whiskered face peeking thru a tiny opening around an abandoned garage door. And so Kona Girl came home with us, and we blockaded our kitchen with boxes and such to keep her out of trouble roaming the rest of our house. Shortly, she learned to up and over weak spots so we kept adding boxes to make the barrier higher. She just tried harder to get over and sitting in the living room it was amusing to hear her cllawing her way up till a tiny face peeked over the top. By then it was a long drop to the other side so not wanting her to get hurt we had to abandon our blockade as we realized that determined little feet would keep trying to escape.

With that experience I'd rather my tax $ be allocated elsewhere but I wouldn't mind if supporters of a border wall stepped up and contributed to building it.

Part of the "many headed snake"s plan is to goad us to anger with a constant renewal of scapegoats, be they personalities or entire groups of humanity to divert attention, and Mr. Toadfrog, I respect you as a passionately patriotic American and hope you find your way clear to a more peaceful place where you make me laugh.

Who knows, maybe slackers will get off the couch and spray poison, carve up carcasses, or patch blacktop if they're hungry enuf? So heck yah, lets deport the current work force and cut SNAP. And if they don't wanna work and try plan B, lock em up.


Mar 23, 2010
So Cal I.E.
40% Keith, according to DNA testing.

Instead of unifying the country all we hear now is so much divisive rhetoric - sick negative things. Lies piled on top of lies - I could never have imagined that we would live in times like this. 3.5 million American citizens are at risk and we are talking about walls, kneeling for a piece of cloth, killing young black men like it's open season on the youth. How is this making America great again?
I am a Viet Nam era Vet - I volunteered to join the Navy. My fight was for freedom - not a song - not a flag - it was for the Constitution. My father was a Korean Vet and he taught me that. The people that thump their chests the loudest have the least to lose. Ever hear of a trump serving the country - even grandpa Drumpf was a draft dodger when the immigrant fled Germany.
Everybody forgets how John McCain was treated and how he was called out as not being a hero by a draft dodging moron. I do not believe in John's politics but he is a HERO. So how is taking a knee (a sign of respect) disrespecting the flag, America, and the veterans? And talking crap about a real American hero is not?

Another sheeple ploy to distract. We will be the last generation to die from old age (unless we are drawn into an unnecessary war). The children & grand children will die from climate change.

Sorry for the rant - just so tired of all the lies and even more - the hate.........

Going to do the opposite of you Keith. I'm going back home - to my island.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Friedrich Trump was indeed refused German citizenship when he tried to re-patriate himself for the sake of his home-sick wife at the age of 36, one year over the draft age limit, for reasons of alleged draft evasion. There had been no draft law when he left, though. The family had already changed their name a mere 160 years earlier. The whole "drumpf" thing is actually a piece of fake news.
I had a closer look at the trump family. The one thing they were good at was sensing trends and how to make money out of it. Grandpa Friedrich for instance was smart enough not to dig for gold himself but to rent "rooms for single women" as it was called in the day to golddiggers in Seatle and Yukon. Its sort of interesting; When I was a kid, whe learned from our english teacher that in order to make a politkical career in the U.S., you better be a wasp. Today, there are African American intellectuals and German descend demagogues "handing over the door handle" to use a German figure of speech.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
In my mind, John McCain was and IS a hero,  being one of only two senators willing to vote their conscience bucking their party line and actually honor their duty to serve their constituents.

Bon voyage Sonny,  hope you're on high ground.  If you get tired of the salt:


Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
Well there's ole LH, good to see your still checkin in. Hope you are well, and still takin the kiddos out and hammerin the big gills... And as far as the wall HJ, I was just tossin a little stink in the pot. I'm neither for or against it. I quit believing anything our government said a very long time ago. I would like to see both sides of the river get a handle on the drugs and human trafficking. I do miss going over and helping a group of folks with a church project. There is some very nice folks over there that are getting krapped on by their government... IMO


Active member
Jun 28, 2010
Jig Man said:
Well there's ole LH, good to see your still checkin in. Hope you are well, and still takin the kiddos out and hammerin the big gills... And as far as the wall HJ, I was just tossin a little stink in the pot. I'm neither for or against it. I quit believing anything our government said a very long time ago. I would like to see both sides of the river get a handle on the drugs and human trafficking. I do miss going over and helping a group of folks with a church project. There is some very nice folks over there that are getting krapped on by their government... IMO

You said it . There are some good folks there and some personal friends that I would welcome into my home . They are trapped not by governments but by cartels . Can't say more than that .


Active member
Jun 28, 2010
Guys we really need to drop this subject before we wind up losing friends . If my big mouth hasn't already done that for me . I broke a personal rule of never commenting on political or religious things . I don't apologize for my stand but I feel lie there are better places and better ways to have expressed things .


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE

Some of you may remember that it was on this forum that I started to get interested in learning about politics, the economy, the state of the world, everything back in 2012.  If the truth is the center of an onion, think alot of outer layers have been peeled off, thanks to members participating and inspiring me to research.  Thank you all.