Hopeless leaders and the national debt


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
My Definition of Lawyer/Polotician.

A really good lawyer is a real Con Artist ...... A Lawyer/Polotician is a "Super Con Artist"

Think about it ..... Ol Tom Jefferson said "Don't let the Lawyers make the laws" and what have we done ??? Thats right most of them are lawyers and they make the laws and with out some good training its hard to read the laws Unless ... You are a Lawyer ... They make them so as to perpetuate (Spellin) their profession among other reasons.

Soap Box is gettin shakey .. gotta get off before it collapses.


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
The the combination of a lawyer/politician does equal a snake in the grass in my mind. Our political machine does create a different breed human.... but i would hope there are a few decent minded ones out there.

I know for a fact we do have a few lawyers who are members here.... and would not doubt car salesman.... trash haulers.... ditch diggers.... dog groomers.... tech geeks.... steel workers.... telemarketers.... Job title means very little to me. More important is the ethical make-up of each individual. Politicians tend to forget about the ethical value of what they could do with their power and only focus on what will get them another term. Car salesman get raked through the coals when in reality they are just trying to make a living. Getting paid on commission takes a certain personality. I have a good friend who sells cars and he does not fit into the stereotype at all. Not saying any comments were out of line in this thread, just making you all think about what you say. :)

Grunt work vs. talent....... I have heard some reports (once again the dang media rears its head so who know the accuracy) saying that currently the largest number of high paying jobs being farmed out over seas are computer engineers. The position takes a fair amount of intellectual prowess but our college graduating population only fills a small fraction of those jobs. A large part of the traditional grunt work of the US has gone overseas to those in foreign countries willing to do hard labor for long hours at a low wage. Understandable that Americans do not want those jobs, technology has made a large portion of us 'soft'. But why would Americans not be lining up for those high paying computer engineer jobs where we can sit back with cup-o-joe in hand?

My feeling is that we could make all the government forced adjustments to every large industry (including insurance/health care) and it will not create significant change in our GDP or deficit. Education is the key in my mind but how do we pay for it? The younger generation will step up to bat and bear the burdens of the older generation, when the time comes, i have no doubt in my mind. That is just how life works. But if there are other countries that are flat out more intelligent than us, then the 'grunt work' will swing back and our younger generations can look forward to hard work, long hours and low wages.

I do not know enough info about the current individual 'automatic cuts' that are currently in the news to make a fair judgement.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
Hey ... I do know a few lawyers that do not fit the mold that I posted about ... And I was in sales for many years ... know good straight up front guys and I know some that would "Hook or Crook" You out of what ever they could get and never look back.

It happens in all occupations ... people will be people .. As a side note I think every one should work with the public for at least a year then the next year have to "juggle" the funds to make some money ... makes you appreciate the guy on the other side of the counter.

Bad Poloticians make good ones look bad ...

Enuff ... for now


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Education - despite what some people think. Not all of us were destined to be college graduates. I will use myself as an example. I was the typical underachiever. All the IQ test I was subjected to I scored very , very high. My grades reflected that early on in school. In high school I decided formal education was not my cup of tea. I refused to do any homework. Yet I aced almost any test. I had teachers that swore I was cheating and gave me special tests. Same results. So I skated thru high school with a C average.

Now any subject that I was interested in math , science history ( especially military history ) I read everything I could get my hands on. My parents , especially my mother, had a dream for me. Trouble is I did not share that dream.

I discovered early on anything I really wanted to do I could. Anything I was not interested in received no attention or attempt on my part. As a consequence some of my English and Economy teachers thought I might be a special needs child. While my history teachers and math teachers thought my IQ was higher than it actually was.

After returning home from the military I did get an Associate degree in Electronic Engineering. Never did make a living with it though. I made more by using my hands. For some odd reason I enjoyed hard physical work more than any other vocation. The hotter and sweatier the better. For this reason I was very seldom out of work. My leisure time is what mentally exhausted me. I went to work for a rest in the mental gymnastics.

When I hear some politician say education is the the answer for all our ills. I realize he is just picking a subject that is not controversial. Some people aren't mentally equipped for higher education. Some like me just are not interested in it. To demand higher education for all would be tantamount to fitting the square pegs in round holes syndrome.

I have conversed with some professional people. Some are truly happy individuals and others were not. Why ? Because they did what was expected of them by others. The happy one were the ones that chose their profession because they were interested in or liked it.

Myself I was hard headed enough to do what I wanted to do. So at 65 years of age I doubt anything is going to change. If being happy with yourself is successful then great I am a success. If fame and fortune is the measure of success then I guess I am a failure. Either way I am satisfied. Till the day I die . I will always thirst for knowledge. But only for the things I am truly interested in.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Papa sounds like you and I are brothers from different mothers. If something doesn't interest me it is total ignore it. If it does I will study it to death. Now that I have retired I spend more time reading and studying politics. I have become more passionate about the constitution and government. Think that us old geezers want to leave the county in better shape than when it was handed to us by our fathers. Which is one of the reasons why we are upset by the current government and administration.

Hopefully before I hang up my rod and reel for the last time I will realise this. May be this is why we have the old saying. That old men start wars that young men have to fight.



New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
redman said "I have become more passionate about the constitution and government. Think that us old geezers want to leave the county in better shape than when it was handed to us by our fathers. Which is one of the reasons why we are upset by the current government and administration."

Amen to that !!!!!!!!!
(I started a little before I hit this "Older Age" (not old just gettin older)




New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
JCS you young pup you. I also believe that we become more Conservative in our thoughts as we get older. Us old hippies gave up the liberal point of view when we got rid of the bell bottom jeans and had to start to make a living for our families. Responsibility is a great teacher. Responsibility teaches respect, self respect, self reliance and courage. It is part of the reason that Washington is in a mess today nothing is ever there fault. Yet sadly it is all there fault. Nobody ever wants to take the responsibility for any thing that goes wrong. Bad part about all this is when it all goes south they walk away and live High on the hog. They wash their hands of the whole business and claim that it didn't happen on our watch. Pitiful, VERY PITIFUL!!!!!!!!!

Watch as Redman climbs off the soap box very carefully as to not fall off.



Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Oh geez, this box is kinda slippery...

Yeah, I got interested in politics & economics too only very recently, and now am bailing because there are better ways to spend my time. I think its part of our survival instinct to blame others, whether its politicians or used car salesmen, and keep our ego intact. But from an impartial overview, I am just as much to blame as Bush, Obama, and Bennie "the jet" who sold us my wife's last car. Most bought food I eat nowadays supports the chemical & bio-engineering industries. Most of my hooks are made in China, and if not, the metals likely are sourced there. I shop at Walmart where hardly anything states "Made in the USA". So, how can I point fingers for our state of affairs when I choose to support it?

Politics in particular is no longer worth my time and attention. The players are who they are, just like myself, and I know I ain't changing just cuz someone tells me to.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Boise, ID
redman said:
Stacy come on Girl Relax. He must really get under your skin. Lols. You didn't even read the last line of my post. You are just angry as my wife is when he get on the radio. RUSH is a ENTERTAINER he is the Jon Stewart of the RIGHT.

Here is a quote from a famous entertainer see if you can find out who he is. "People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing."

I am not going to go tit for tat on you with the lies that the MSM has told. For I could crash the server in minutes. Starting with the the Social Security trust fund and moving on to Benghazi. Lets face it journalism is dead which is the jest of this thread.


Red, I think you're a great guy and you certainly tie better than me. If I lived closer, I'd love to go fishing with you sometime (as long as we agreed not to talk politics LOL!) But I can't agree with you on this point.

Rush may call himself an entertainer to deflect criticism, but many people think he tells the truth and that's what chaps my hide. Rush doesn't care about the truth. Rush cares about one thing and that's himself.

Rush talks a lot about God and religion, but apparently he thinks he's exempt from the sin of bearing false witness. He'll say anything to draw attention, and if he ends up ruining someone's life and career just because they made a statement that didn't agree with his, it doesn't bother him at all. Rush was probably happy as a pig in slop at the firestorm his lies and name calling aimed at Fluke kicked up, until his sponsors started jumping ship and it cost him money.

He also wields far too much political power, to the point where conservative politicians end up kissing his butt and are afraid to criticize what he says.

I agree that journalism has gone downhill. Unfortunately, bottom feeders like Rush (and there are wannabes on both ends of the spectrum) are a big part of that.

I've said my piece, so I think I'm going to bow out.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
smo said "I've said my piece, so I think I'm going to bow out. "

Every one has their opinion .... Part of a free country (or it was) ...

We can all agree to disagree ....

Have A Good Day All (and Week End)



Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Hopeless leaders and the national debt

At least I agree with the title; we have hopeless leaders and the national debt needs to be addressed.

The rest of the posts are all over the place, and to respond will take more time than I have, since I'd rather be fishing, tying, & pouring.

But I will ask, what is the source of this statistic:

If the sequestrations are enacted it is almost equal to a person losing a .25 piece and makes 100K a year. How devastating would that be to the individual?

Sequestration happened this morning. As of now, the world has not ended and no one has lost any money, regardless of how much they make.


But if sequestration continues, many private contractors stand to loose everything, federal workers stand to loose 20% of their pay per week, and everyone will see prices slowly start to rise because the 'pipe' will become narrower affecting supply. Simple economics dictate that if the supply drops & demand stays constant or grows, everyone will feel the bite in every facet of their life the US gov't regulates and inspects.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Sorry, I'm guilty of "all over the place", but my pondering of the apparent failure of gov takes me deeper into the core of US.

I know most of you thrive on team sports entertainment, and that is the mentality of politics and even war. Two sides facing off and not backing down. I'm too bizzy facing off with myself to mind games of others. "A man's got to know his limitations."

I've noticed that legislators that have been demanding "cuts" are now saying that their districts should be exempt, for example because mfg. obsolete nuclear weapons is a primary source of jobs in their constituency. Argh, I don't need any more aggravation.



Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Truthfully what makes this year any different than any other. The same BS promises that have been made for years and nothing done. So tie some jigs, go catch some fish and enjoy what you can.

It ain't never gonna change!!!!!!!!!!