Ha! More like very shallow place, full of crabs! Yep a Bombie is an isolated reef area which breaks when there's any swell. Been the name of the little trailer boats I've had over the years.
Lots of people fish open ocean in small boats here: 14 to 18 footers most common. Have surfed (like a drunk penguin) and rock fished all my life and when I got my first little 15ft fishing boat used to gravitate to what we knew best: reef and shoreline washes with all manner of beasties hunting in the white water. You get bashed around by the backwash but it's fun. Sydney swells not as powerful as Hawaii though, they scare me!!!
Al's boat is a big trailer boat (ha!) at 20 foot _ sheer luxury! Regularly goes 40 miles to sea in it hunting giants. I like light and ultralight fishing but sometimes need a big fish fix with him. He said he's gonna email me some pics of the yellowtail. I wanna see it and relive moment!
Hey LRB nearest crocs to me several thousand miles north, thanks goodness. just got great whites and bull sharks close inshore here, and have been munching surfers a bit too frequently lately. At least they don't keep chasing you on land!!!! The makos and hammerheads we get close to shore just pups three to six feet and no threat, except to fish.