Thanks again for the welcome!
I´ve been through some field-testing lately and found out first hand that there`s a good deal more to jig crafting than just tying the same patterns on different hooks

This sandeel imitation is a pattern I am very happy with. It moves exactly like I wanted it to do and looks very life-like in the water. At a weight of 1/8 oz, I find it very suitable for the use with my light- but not ultralight gear on a kayak, aiming at trout from 16" (legal size) to 25"(once in a good year) . And it got me the only legal size sea trout yesterday, on a very difficult day with clear, cold water, a lot of sun and virtually no other angler (few dozen)catching anything.
There´s some troubleshooting, though that I could use some help with. First, I find it hard to anchor the bead without messing up the hook wire that the propeller is supposed to spin upon.
Second, I would like to apply some "pretty" material at the collar between the bead and the hair, but I´m not sure how thick I can make the body before the water current is impeded to an extend that kills the propeller. I´ve used bug bond to keep the hair from fouling and would like to use some more to "smoothen" the tie, but, again, I`m insecure about the amount of material.