Recently cured a bunch of heads that had been sitting around for awhile and took some pics. Been trying to come up with some really glitzy looks.
These were all done with a healthy base coat of mica powder.
Left to right: First one is just the mica then tapped on gold holo and chartruese glitter. Next is the mica base, gold holo glitter then gold transparent powder. Middle one is the same but with bronze transparent powder on top. Last two are just Pro-Tec copperhead and rootbeer that have a mica base. That picture was taken with in-direct lighting and was trying to get the colors. Picture below was done with direct light from a desk lamp and really lets the glitter show! All the tiny little flecks of reflected light are the mica.
Last are a couple larger (3/8oz) heads i painted and want to get tied with bucktail or craftfur over the winter - will give them away to a few friends for walleye jigging next spring.