... finds a fish during the red moon
A buddy and I hooked up at o'dark thirty to do some water I've done recently a couple times.
This time it was different.
We started catching them immediately and loosing them. You could tell by the cussing.
Moon was red, air was like smoking cigs, river was ours.
Stumbled on the pattern after a few hours and it was a Cinderella session the rest of the day
Did I say there was allot of cussing due to missed strikes? From both of us?
Here are two of the high lights

edit. Those are different fish
A buddy and I hooked up at o'dark thirty to do some water I've done recently a couple times.
This time it was different.
We started catching them immediately and loosing them. You could tell by the cussing.
Moon was red, air was like smoking cigs, river was ours.
Stumbled on the pattern after a few hours and it was a Cinderella session the rest of the day
Did I say there was allot of cussing due to missed strikes? From both of us?
Here are two of the high lights

edit. Those are different fish