Creature fishing

Creature Man

New member
Nov 13, 2013
Looks like jigerjohn has introduced me about creature fishing, and asked that I write a small article on that subject...SO;

Creature fishing became popular back in the mid 70's when fishing facts out of Wisconsin used to carry different kinds of plastic dressings. The art of fishing creatures seems to have gone by the wayside for the larger bulldawg style baits. Creatures can get down to the fish, vs a magdawg or pounder. Try letting a pounder get down in thick cover then rip...Ouch! :dodgy: Creatures are very effective for all game fish, including Pike, Musky , Bass, and walleye. I am sure salt water fish would love some of these dressings also, like stripers, and tarpin. Creatures are more or less, just a larger form of plastic dressings attached to a jig head.

Rods, reels and line. Any type of reel is good, as long as it has a higher gear ratio. Many guys use spinning gear for this type of fishing. I prefer a high speed baitcaster, as I like the positive hooksets you get from a baitcasting reel, just better leverage. Rods that I like for creature fishing are flippin sticks in a 7 1/2 ft - 8 1/2 ft Length's. Normally a rod that has lure weights of 3/4-2 oz. Line weights, I like a 17-20 lb XL, because I like to jig most in cool water temps. This line stays limp, and very viewable when Mr Musky gives that hop in the line. Also super braids in that 24- 40 lb test will work. When getting a pickup, count 1001 before setting the hook.

Rigging....I like to prepare my jigs before I go out. I use a wire leader in a lb test of 25-40, 7strand, and now there are 19, 21, and 49 strand, to give more flex in your leaders. I won many bass tourneys using wire leaders. Wire allows you to rip weeds easily vs a floro type leader. Old bucket mouth does'nt care, especially good in a somewhat murky water. I slide the plastic over the jig, then smear some super glue on the collar of jig, then push plastic up on collar to solidify the bonding. I have a good idea, what presentation is going to work and I rig 3 or 4 baits for the outing...and yes, I take extra plastics and superglue with me if the fish are on!!!

My presentations are pretty much 3 methods...constant ripping, drag/shake and rip, and just turning of the reel handle. The ripping is done in and around weeds. Deep pockets, or deeper weeds is preferred. What it does is trigger strikes, AND allows you to go back the several acres you just ripped through and View the weeds you ripped out. Many times you can learn the weed growth in different sections of the lake. Normally two or 3 types of weeds are the more productive areas, like milfoil,coontail,cabbage.
The drag,shake ,rip is exactly how it sounds. I drag the jig till it gets hung up in the weeds. Shake the jig, then do a rip. Fish near will see the bait quivering and struggling to break free...when you rip...Yes, it just did break free, and that's what triggers the vicious strike:P
The weed edges, sand bars, and rock bars are done with the reel handle. I cast jig out, allow it to hit bottom, then turn the reel handle as fast as you can. In depths of less than 12 ft, I turn reel handle 2 or 3 times fast, then let jig settle to bottom again. Hits come on the drop, and that is where you want them to occur. If I am out in 15-20 ft. I try and give reel handle 4- 5 turns quickly, Covering more of the water column. This method works for suspended fish as well as bottom fish. Most times my fish are produced near bottom or cover.
By the way,When ripping, I rarely use a skirt. I do not want any more drag on my jig, to hang up while blasting jig from cover, advantage streamline. My favorite baits to rip are the thicker stemmed paddletails and Fandango's. If I do use a skirt, it's because I want a larger profile, or a slower drop speed.
For weed edges and sand and rock bars, I like a thinnerstemmed paddle tail for more thumping action. Also, I like to fish bladed creature spins for edges and areas that lack cover.
I pour most of the jigs I use. Includes swimmerheads, power heads, and Pyramid heads and all must have collars. when supergluing your plastic to a collar, really helps in your fishing time and productivity. You don't want to get caught with your pants down, sort of speak:D.
All of my plastic dressings are custom and hand poured. All have a purpose. I have about 40 different patterns, But use about 10-15 most of the time.

I will post some pics!

Creature fishing seems to be a lost art....BUT when I am struggling to catch fish, especially in cold water, this technique is sure to please. Bass, Pike and Musky, all like creatures. This is a multispecie presentation. If you like to just have action from a variety of fish, creature fishing is the way to go...:bigfish: All 3 fish, this 40" musky, 6 lb largemout and 28 inch walleye, all came within 1 1/2 hours of fishing this past May on Creatures.

Here are some of my plastic dressings and jigs. The Fandangos with the holes in tail is what I use for a slower presentation. Water sifts through the holes and allow a slow drop. The 2 Fandango's that are Black on left side of pick, last creature photo are dressings I like to rip weeds with. All these patterns have a purpose. The paddle tails have cork poured inside the tails, so dead sticking is an option when jig sits on bottom, the tail rises to the occasion. :rolleyes:There are pics of all jig heads I use, power heads in 1/2 and 3/4 oz. , 1/2 oz. pryamid and 3/4 oz swimmer head...Enjoy!!!:P

Thanks, and tight lines.

Oh; By the way. I do pour these morsels, jigs and plastic dressing during the winter months till about April if your interested in picking some up. Colors I like are Black, Black and Black, other colors I like are Black grape, Yellows and Pearls. ;) PM if interested, or email me at; [email protected]

Creature Man


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Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Hey Creature Man, It's WONDERFUL to see you on this site! PLEASE continue to share your jigging tactics with us, as your light tackle (for muskies,pike, and bass, relative to the "overkill" of most of today's big game anglers) creature jigs will give us all a new (to us) avenue to explore during the coming season! By the way, your pictured jigs and home poured plastics are really exciting innovations! Now, please share some of your many adventures with jiggin' up ole Esox !


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Well, what a contrast to JiggerJohn's approach - impressing with size & power thumping vs. micro tickling. Then again, compared with your catches JJ's are often crappie.

Looks like you've well studied your chosen niche evidenced by creative innovation both in designs and applications.

A local TV fishing show host Mike Sakamoto, unfortunately passed on, liked to say "any color works, as long as it's black".



Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Nice write up.

There sure are some freaky shapes in there. Maybe most note-ably odd (to me) is the paddle tail stingray with legs. Those over-sized reapers i am betting would be extremely effective. :cool:


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Hawn-actually I have one of the paddletals handy WHILE I'm crappie fishing at Pym -and they are placed on YOUR wonderful 1/2 oz dartheads (tied with wool & satin up front,of course!), for great balance; you never know when one of Pym's 50" muskies will snoop around the deeper humps that we are working on for crappie& bass! Before we leave, it's very easy to vertical jig or cast a creature for a few minutes,just in case!(tho my spare" muskie outfit" has 12# braid on it!).

Attica- those paddletail "stingrays" are really super actionized on a jig as a trailer -they thump& thrash side to side for tremendous commotion,plus the wide base yields a gliding motion while dropping downward. Yeah, they look odd, but come alive when jigged, in a motion that big fish probably haven't seen (or felt with all the vibration!).

Some years back a local man claimed tremendous results with his home made 16-18" homepoured soft plastic carp, which he molded from real specimens! He vertical jigged these monstrosities late at night in the coldest parts of the open water season & claimed some very big muskies. He was very secretive and I never actually saw his 2 pound lure or fishing technique, but it did indicate the extreme size & weight the modern muskie guys are willing to go to! I'm so glad to have discovered Jim's creatures, which can be fished with 1/4-3/4 oz jigs on comfortable, sensible spinning gear!!

Creature Man

New member
Nov 13, 2013
This fall: The Creature of choice was the Pearl Frog.  Here is a Pic of a Nice 40" ski, which Devoured this Pearl Frog on a 1oz. Swimmerhead.

Also a pic of the frog/jig I used ;)


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Creature Man

New member
Nov 13, 2013
Pic of the 40" With the Pearl creature upper left corner of previous post!


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Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Nice, haven't yet but hope to see a muskie one day.

JiggerJohn's been mentioning flap tails and musky, think targeting them will be more than a passing interest this year.


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Yep, as Hawn mentions, there's WAY too many nice muskies swimming around in those waters that I often go to for crappies & smallies ! Those new pearl frogs look to be the ultimate jigging solution for some big time battles! And don't think the big largemouth or walleyes will be safe either!! Gearing up now as January's half gone and Spring is right around the corner!!

Creature Man

New member
Nov 13, 2013
jiggerjohn said:
Yep, as Hawn mentions, there's WAY too many nice muskies swimming around in those waters that I often go to for crappies & smallies ! Those new pearl frogs look to be the ultimate jigging solution for some big time battles! And don't think the big largemouth or walleyes will be safe either!! Gearing up now as January's half gone and Spring is right around the corner!!

Creature Man

New member
Nov 13, 2013
Hello jiggerjohn, have not posted in a while. Just an update in the last weeks weather showed us fluctuations of water temps weekly from like 57, to 67, back to 57. Crazy weather!!!

Have fished a few outings against competition, and again have been doing well with the frogs and muskies. I've used a combination of colors, preferably black body, yellow tail, W/ a orange cobra head.
Boated a nice 38" musky opening weekend, then took a 3rd place in a local fundraiser tournament where proceeds go to stocking muskies through Muskie Inc. 100 fisherman caught 4 muskies for the day. Seems like the fish were very tight, and the creatures shined. Very tough bite.
Also, heard of a buddy getting 3-4 muskies on the creature spins opening week here in Wisconsin.
With the up and down weather, creatures seem to shine, vs traditional musky gear.
Take care,
Creature man:)

Creature Man

New member
Nov 13, 2013
I'll try and post a pic of my current creature fixens used this spring:)


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Active member
Mar 23, 2010
Hi there,how's my favorite Creature Creator doing?! Ohhh, ya got my blood boiling with those new models in your picture!! I'm just about ready to begin serious muskie and pike fishing myself , and agree your plastics are the only that make sense to dedicated esox jiggers!! Of course, we've had the same crazy up n down weather pattern over here, and all fish are laying low. Looks like it'll finally start to steady out, temp wise, and I'll soon be chuckin' creatures!!


Active member
Jun 28, 2010
Can I assume you are pouring your own baits . I recognize the various baits similar to some creature molds I've seen before . Don't think I've seen a mold for sale for those wedge /triangle heads before . Safe to assume custom mold right . I appreciate your post often wondered what a bait would look like from some of those less advertised lure molds . Two thumbs up and more if I had'em.

Creature Man

New member
Nov 13, 2013
toadfrog said:
Can I assume you are pouring your own baits . I recognize the various baits similar to some creature molds I've seen before . Don't think I've seen a mold for sale for those wedge /triangle heads before . Safe to assume custom mold right . I appreciate your post often wondered what a bait would look like from some of those less advertised lure molds . Two thumbs up and more if I had'em.

Creature Man

New member
Nov 13, 2013
Yes, toad frog, my stuff is mostly custom. I would purchase plastics of all shapes and sizes, then bond them together to make unique shapes and sizes to work, what I think better than marketed baits. Yes, my molds are made and cut to my specs. Jig heads also!!!!

Maybe not, but fishing your own Ideas is always special when catching fish on your own creations!

Thanks for the positive feedback...

Creature Man:)

Creature Man

New member
Nov 13, 2013
Have Not posted here in a while. Few buddies were asking for these Glow paddle tails for Big lakers on the Great Lakes and Canada. Not Much light penetration where the lakers like to hang Deep, so these glows seem to shine😉
That 3/4 oz. Swimmer Head works well in those stony areas those lakers like, with less snags.
Creature Man


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Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Good idea to partner pearl with glow for low light conditions. Have yet to try recommend from several sources to use black at night, You?

Previous 2 yrs since I discovered night jigging shiny whitish pearls were best choice, but this year Opening Night color violet pearl back clear holo flash belly seems to have been the best attractor in the dark during both the big fish Summer bite and the downsize thereafter. Same color in 3" Berkley Powerbait Twitchtails for big fish and Z-man 2-1/2" Slim Swimz for better n nuthin smaller wallys.

As posted finally years ago got a first & only muskie est 40+" as was too bulky & heavy to land on (I think) 8# line, so popped out the hook in the sandy shallows. Likely the only stray in the S. Platte River system C&R by 2 other anglers I know. Think some meathead dried her out for a brag and maybe dinner as she ain't showed thereafter.

As I recall stuck and fought her 4 or 5 times during the week or so she remained in the area all on 3" & smaller jigs, tho only subdued that one time.

I can understand your passion in pursuing big gator heads. Hows it going lately?
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