Be a great day to get out there and figure out which lures are going to work. Sunshine, no wind, and I am going to be stuck traveling. Oh well, sucks to be me. LOL, Arne.
Color is blue but it's not the color that's magic. It's the way the color presents itself when in the water. Never seen anything like that and with the success I've had this year, I'd like to believe neither has the fish. Again - color only matters when it matters, but when it matters, it really matters.LOL, love it. Bet I can narrow it down to a close 4 or 6 anyway. Great fish tho. Arne.
Humans can use legs & arms to attack, tho there are exceptions the fish we commonly target only possess mouths. Practically all the predators I catch are hooked inside the mouth.
Altho this would appear to support a feeding response I once hooked nesting peacock bass (plural) with a large bare treble hook in the mouth by initiating a protective attack response with an aggressive in their face presentation. Years later I regretted disrupting a sacred event.
If one gets too close to a dog or critter that feels threatened they will bite. Maybe fish have a similar response?
That said 100% of my jig presentations are to mimic forage appearance and movement.
SM thanks for initiating a thought provoking discussion.
That largie appears to be bigger than the smallies?
. Some of the strikes we miss may be nothing more than a warning shot.
Arne. First few months I was so busy my time wasn't mine. Then I took a couple small jobs and that was a mistake.Hookup. Retirement is a great way to spend your time. Course seems like I am as busy now as i was before retirement. Seems like it takes longer to get anything done, maybe thats why I am so busy. Keep after them fish and catch a bunch. Arne.