Ok you guy you forced me into this. Hawn (Keith) and Rad (Rodger) are both right. I am hiding out in the swamp. I am hiding out in plain sight. I am doing it for three reasons. First to get back in touch with my Native American culture. Second to live a self sufficient life style. A number of us that do this call it modern rural homesteading. A small group of us talk, encourage, and give help and aid to others doing or starting to do what some of us have been at for a while.
The third reason is that I believe that the economy is not in good shape. We may well see the economy go in to a depression. With 45% of the people on some sort of government assistance it scares the bejesus out of me. I saw how the government took care of people after Katrina. If you think I want to be in that sort of mess then you are nuts. I am like the Boy Scouts of old their motto Be prepared. I feel I am much better at taking care of my family than the government can. In a economy grid down the stocks,bonds, and paper money will be fancy toilet paper. What will the government or you do then with out the funds to pay??? Crank up the printing press and everybody gets a wheelbarrow full of worthless money. Not me I will keep hiding out in plain sight and take care of My self and family.