Good for them.......
Duck Dynasty family statement
Just remember, this whole thing did not come about because of religion.... it was a knee jerk reaction changing statements and words to fit an agenda in order to have something to put in the spotlight at this moment. No different than politics.
I have friends AND family on both sides of this coin. They are my friends and family because of who they are, not what they believe or who they love. If you follow the 'story', only one has the ability to judge our moral decisions, correct? The religious aspect of the family has zero influence on my decision to watch the show. It is good clean fun and humor that my entire family enjoys....... and am jealous i can not grow my beard as thick as theirs.
I don't give anyone much credit, this fallout is just big business (as usual) hoping not to bleed to death. Period. Their blood runs green.
Wonder why the 'yuppies' aren't throwing a fit for such derogatory comments coming from the show pointed at them? Hahaha!
My attempt at a Phil Smiley.
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