A&E Suspends Phil Robertson Indefinitely


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
That is our wonderful media at its finest. :@ If you are famous, you can no longer be honest? The only critics i have heard from are the ones trying to push their own personal agenda......... which is what Phil was trying to do as he is very faith driven. I sure hope that the family can blow this up in the face of the media and make them stop paraphrasing and piecing things together OUT of context. If at least for a moment.

Agree - 100% Horse *****

Read it as it is written and there is not a thing said out of place in my mind. Here is the actual story from GQ: What the Duck?


Apr 24, 2010
Lubbock, Tx
I'll predict A & E will be a much bigger looser in this than Phil and the boy's.



New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
I will no longer watch A & E, The History Channel, and Lifetime, or watch any Disney product. They all are in owners of Hurst communication which produces the programming. Nor will I give a another dime of my money to any Advertiser connected with those channels.

Hit them where it really hurts. Their wallet!!!!!!!!!!

I just can't believe that just spat in the face of their biggest cash cow. Shows you what sort of businessmen ( business wennies) they are.



Mar 23, 2010
So Cal I.E.
What is wrong with America - Freedom of speech????? Bye Bye A&E.

I do not support some of the things Phil said but I do believe he has every right to express himself and his beliefs. He is expounding on his faith and his church.

Saw on the news the petition to bring Phil back was over 300,000 and the family is choosing to stand behind their patriarch - kudos to the family.

On the other hand - A&E might be smarter than we think - might be a ratings ploy....... conspiracy??????

I don't think A&E realizes how popular Duck Dynasty is. I was in Bass Pro a couple of months ago. A group of tourists were in front of the "boys - decked out in camo" life size cutout taking pictures of each other. Thought it was cute till they wanted me to join them in a pic - think it was my camo jacket. So - somewhere in China there is a picture of me, with a bunch of tourists & and the boys....



New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Sonny don't give them that much credit they ain't that smart. Phil has hooked his cart to the most powerful force in the universe. Phil like David before him will slay a Giant. They wanted to bring these hayseed Southern bumpkins down for they got to popular and were spreading a message of "True Hope and Change thur Jesus Christ Lord and Savior". That threw hard work and dedication you didn't need big government. That you can be self reliant and live the American Dream and have a good life.That you no longer had to be a slave on the government's plantation.

A & E and there partners decided to draw a line in the sand. Now comes their problem the Majority of Americans crossed over that line. This is a Tipping point the majority of Americans are saying no more. We are sick and tired of being told that these deviant life styles are fine and OK. We are tired of being lied to and we being discriminated against for no reason other than than having a belief in God and the true American Dream. We will not take it any longer NO MORE LIES. NO MORE DECEIT. GO TO GRASS. I have seen it coming for a while now. It is here don't doubt me. The winds have shifted God is in his heaven and the righteous will prevail.

Sadly these are prophetic statements for some. Being Native American we see what others chose to ignore. The United States of America is about to change in a way that most would never even dream of. WATCH!!!!!!


Ron Don

Future Sponsor
Mar 24, 2010
West Monroe, LA
A&E will be begging Phil to come back to the show. I'm not sure if he will though. Last year he said his days on the show were numbered. Hes fed up with kinda what AF touched on. They cut out the name Jesus just about every time he uses it. Phil won't conform to them he's not as money hungry as the others. If he's not on the show it will begin to fall off. This has become the United States of the Afraid. Every one has to be all Politically correct.

Just to show u how popular the show is... Last weekend we had Commander Christmas here in west Monroe. It was a fundraiser for the Food Bank where ppl could buy little rubber duckies. The ducks were dropped in the river and the first 2 ducks to cross the finish got to hang out with he family or Luke Bryan. Anyway people attended the event from Canada and England!


Active member
May 16, 2010
Piedmont, S.C.
It is sad to see what we have let the USA become. I agree this is a tipping point and I'm with the movement to turn this around. I believe that each person has their rights to do and say what they believe in. When a man can't talk about God without losing his job
our freedom has already been lost.


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Good for them.......

Duck Dynasty family statement

Just remember, this whole thing did not come about because of religion.... it was a knee jerk reaction changing statements and words to fit an agenda in order to have something to put in the spotlight at this moment. No different than politics.

I have friends AND family on both sides of this coin. They are my friends and family because of who they are, not what they believe or who they love. If you follow the 'story', only one has the ability to judge our moral decisions, correct? The religious aspect of the family has zero influence on my decision to watch the show. It is good clean fun and humor that my entire family enjoys....... and am jealous i can not grow my beard as thick as theirs.

I don't give anyone much credit, this fallout is just big business (as usual) hoping not to bleed to death. Period. Their blood runs green. ;)

Wonder why the 'yuppies' aren't throwing a fit for such derogatory comments coming from the show pointed at them? Hahaha!

My attempt at a Phil Smiley.
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Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
At one time in my life I thought I was an atheist. My father had died in my senior year of high school . He was 44. I was extremely close to my father and was angry at losing him. In my grief I blamed God and decided the best way to get even was deny God's existence. Not a very sound train of thought but hey I was 17.

Did not take me long to realize how stupid I was acting. I mean " punish someone who does not exist " but like I said I was 17.
Well meaning elders told me " God called your father home " so who else would I choose to blame. As the proverb goes when I was a child I thought and spoke as a child. At 19 I became a father myself and realized what a fool I was making of myself.

At 21 I found myself in Vietnam for six months. Atheists were in extremely short supply as they said " in country. " When your life is hanging by a thread and it seems like the rest of the world is holding a pair of scissors. Atheism doesn't hold the attraction to young or old compared to one who resides in relative comfort.

Which bring me to the point at hand. ( alright I heard that FINALLY ) How can these executives be smart enough to run a company but be dumber than a 17 year old kid ? It really has nothing to do intelligence but everything to do with pride. Some individuals cannot conceive of something greater than themselves.

My one maternal side Uncle was probably the most intelligent man I ever have known to this point. Yet he went to his grave a dedicated atheist.This man could offer no comfort of any sort to his son. When his son's wife contracted cancer and died at a very young age. That is just two places atheism offers nothing.

As the saying goes " Foxholes never contain an atheist ". Another case would be if your child were dying. Would anyone want to be in the position my Uncle had put himself in. There are many more cases and situations but I have run on enough already. Suffice to say if our country has sunk to a point where one has to be silent about his christian values. Then that shall be the point of no return.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
VERY well said papaperch. You don't need a college education or a degree of any sort to be a wise man. You are certainly a wise man. In ancient times you would have been following a star. But what gift would you have carried????


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Heck I thought that you would be caring the gold. After all Uncle Si carried the Franken Sense. LoLs.



New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Rad I only post to things that I am interested in any more. This is a tipping point for the U.S. of A. The lefty wackos are in for dark days.