You still have to GET to the shack and turn the heat on.You wear them shorts and a pair of sandels,lol.I'de love to see that.
I'm part of the 'bucket brigade'... even have a 2-man shanty available for whenever i want to use it, but that sled gets heavy if you are walking very far and you start sweating which is not good! I travel as light as possible. But - i've spent days on the ice where the sun comes out and it is not long before the carharts come off. Even got a farmers sunburn on one late ice outing. Not sure what all equipment your friends have, but if you will be drilling with a hand auger you will break a sweat fast if that heater is on yet or not!!!
Staring at a flasher is VERRRRRRY addicting too - helps you forget about the cold. You see every fish that swims under your feet as a little mark on the light dial and can watch them rise or lower to your jig/bait.

It is easy to forget the world around you while you have a mark chasing your jig up and down.
And i would give a nickle to see the look on your face the first time the ice starts singing.

The booming ice is kind of cool, but when you can feel it thump through your boots... still gives me the willies.