2016 Presidential Primaries


New member
Jul 4, 2014
I had talked myself into voting for Trump. But the way he blow up about the whole Orlando thing. NO way I want that man in any office of any kind.


Active member
Mar 24, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
Hawnjigs said:
Who is this "we"? Aside from beer container littering racist rednecks and empowered women I don't notice hearts and minds support for either Presidential candidate yet here we are. Kennedy was a Hero. Reagan was a Hero. Trump and Clinton? Anti-heros?

Judging by our presidential race the USA appears to have crossed a line of no return where reason and even sanity no longer matter.

Could indicate movements toward the eschaton (end of days) to a biblical scholar perhaps?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
For a better understanding of "eschaton" Googled it, and found it has become politicized.

Personally, I'm getting my affairs in order to meet my maker on higher ground, just in case.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
But the way he blow up about the whole Orlando thing.

I listened to the speech on a live feed & believe it was one of his best because he toned it down, stuck to the facts, stayed out of the mud, and acted very "presidential"


New member
Dec 11, 2013
Ocean Springs, Ms.
My observation is that Trump is weakening the conservative agenda with his rhetoric. Trump's faithful supporters are being reduced to under educated and recently disenfranchised white folks. There is no way that he will be elected without broadening his appeal and he seems hell bent on alienating every other faction in our society. His intent to fracture conservatism and the GOP seems increasingly deliberate and his actions will pave the way for Clinton's inauguration.


Nov 20, 2013
For me the current it, in office, or is is of love, or what ever you call him, he has divided me from all Liberal Democrat's that exist “in my opinion” beyond what I believe to be non-repairable.  It is sad, but with democrat's comes the not only being told do as I say not as I do, but also the become a slave to their ever so special needs. If it is Mr. Trump, “HOPING” he clearly will be the only one that can repair my differences. Shortly after the last Presidential election I was left with such a bad taste in my mouth from not only the current President but all of those that put him in for a second term. So much so, that I decided, I wanted nothing to do with the left ever again. Being self employed, I started with my customer base.  That's right every single 1 of them.  It was actually a very easy process. Once that challenge was met I started a regiment when a new customers who called I could ask a couple simple questions that told me my exact availability.  Which then "about 2 years ago" I very calmly started saying I'm so sorry I'm to busy and can't do the work. As a result in the last 3 to 4 years I have been paid for every job, never had a complaint, and always have a happy customer at the end result, not to mention the 100% increase in customer base. I have found even more so, after selling baits especially on facebook there are many, many, many, leftist that are fishermen. Yup you got it, I weed them out also. Simply telling them when they want something for nothing to go find themselves a Lib to build it better for them, especially since I have been been told they know everything, especially how to do everything. Except of course, when you have a guy boasting about your bait when he wins a big tournament and then they come out of the wood work. I also tell them the only way they will be able to buy my bait will be on ebay at the current 40% socialist mark up. A price to pay for current incompetence in allowing me to have something they want/need, which by the way is still mine, according to ebay, until it arrives at their door.  Because, ebay is such a great non socialist :@ /capitalist site where you can get anything and last I checked they still hadn’t installed a sort a buyer out button yet.  Although, I might add, it has been suggested to them. Sorry, but it's the price of Socialistic Capitalism one which I tell them they clearly know everything about the other they will learn in their short comings, as in paying extra for their miss givings. Just like the cake that should have been baked, business is business. You pay for what you get by being insured as a business owner, if that means accidentally using salt in place of sugar then so be it. In short "lol" I have no room in my life for whinny ass bitchy Lib's. They started this crap and I clearly see Mr. Trump taking the Bitch's towel and wiping the mess up. And more than anything if you are one of those whinny people, I could care less if you like me or not! And better YET go ahead and vote for the lying, killing, non government compliant what ever she is, as she flies around the outside of the White House on her broomstick looking for her way into the ovary orifice. Sorry just how I feel, BUT, it clearly, does work!


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
QPassage said:
....so much so, that I decided, I wanted nothing to do with the left ever again. Being self employed, I started with my customer base.  That's right every single 1 of them.  It was actually a very easy process. Once that challenge was met I started a regiment when a new customers who called I could ask a couple simple questions that told me my exact availability.  Which then "about 2 years ago" I very calmly started saying I'm so sorry I'm to busy and can't do the work. As a result in the last 3 to 4 years I have been paid for every job, never had a complaint, and always have a happy customer at the end result, not to mention the 100% increase in customer base.

Beautyful! :icon14:  I tip my hat to that! Being the european I am - "liberal" does not mean "left" here, rather a general disaproval of too much governmental influence on economy - I couldn´t take sides if I wanted to, but I like that consequent attitude. I think I know exactly what kind of people you are speaking of, although personly I run a web shop with pre-pay/paypal system that spares me such trouble.

We are actually having similar issues over here. What used to be the conservative equivalent to the gop has just recently opened borders to not less than 2 million migrants, started cuddling with the green party, leaving the socialist party obsolete and mumbling about forcing entrepreneurs into the soon-to-be-bankrupt state owned pension plan. Its a freak show that pushes many a decent german voter into the far right corner, regardless what exciting mixture of mindless morons and dangerously sharp populists expect them there. :dodgy:


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Noticing over the years the increasing conservative-liberal whining brought to mind the phrase "divide and conquer" so I looked it up.

"the policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent between them."

Maybe we're being played? By who? Why?


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Speaking of play...

In neighboring Austria, the green party´s canditate has recently won the presidential election. 2 years ago, before public concern over the uncontrolled mass influx of refugees strengthened the right, such outcome would have been unthinkable. Never before has a green politician been backed by so many non-green voters who wanted nothing else than preventing far right to win.

I have a strong feeling our current government is, how shall I say, going "into resonance" with far right. What folks here don´t get is that even if 40% vote for far right, Merkel would still lead a "democratic" (not in the sense of the u.s. party) coalition and have her own, more leftish way than ever. Its a risky, reckless, yet effective strategy.

I am not too well informed about what is going on in the States, but my impression is that the one candidate which is more than anybody else tied to the establishment and everything that the public and even liberals are upset about (.." Clinton stands for everything I hate about Obama, Sanders stands for everything I love about him"..) is being imaged as the one reasonnable, responsible choice even for republican voters. In my perceptin, that smells a bit fishy.


Nov 20, 2013
Bucho said:
Speaking of play...

In neighboring Austria, the green party´s canditate has recently won the presidential election. 2 years ago, before public concern over the uncontrolled mass influx of refugees strengthened the right, such outcome would have been unthinkable. Never before has a green politician been backed by so many non-green voters who wanted nothing else than preventing far right to win.

I have a strong feeling our current government is, how shall I say, going "into resonance" with far right. What folks here don´t get is that even if 40% vote for far right, Merkel would still lead a "democratic" (not in the sense of the u.s. party) coalition and have her own, more leftish way than ever. Its a risky, reckless, yet effective strategy.

I am not too well informed about what is going on in the States, but my impression is that the one candidate which is more than anybody else tied to the establishment and everything that the public and even liberals are upset about (.." Clinton stands for everything I hate about Obama, Sanders stands for everything I love about him"..) is being imaged as the one reasonnable, responsible choice even for republican voters. In my perceptin, that smells a bit fishy.

I just love the way the media here in the states keep saying Trump can't win.  TA Billy Goat's in the lead and she can't be beat.  I have to wonder if the Left also took the part out of the history books about how they burnt witch's at the stake in Salem MA.  I'm thinking Trump's more than likely to light that match, he is just abiding his time to do so.


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
To me it is very simple. If one likes the direction President Obama has taken this country. One would vote for Hilliary. As she has promised to extend his agenda.
1. Wide open borders with safety to US citizens not a concern. That we no longer have enough jobs for the people already here is no problem.
2. Runaway Federal debt and ever higher taxes. All those " free programs " means the middle class will be paying for them.
3. Weaker military China , Russia and the terrorists are pushing us harder every day .
4. EPA regulations that strangle and prevent new businesses from being formed or force out of the market
5. Use of Federal agencies to hamper political activity such as the IRS persecuting conservative organizations.
6. Appointment of " activist " leftists to the supreme court. That will be a rubber stamp for all leftist legislation rather if it is constitutional or not.
7. Lying to gain approval of electorate , Bengahzi , Fast and Furious , affordable health care act , the nuclear treaty with Iran etc etc etc etc
8. More stringent gun control is the Democrats party answer to everything.
9. Selling government influence for contributions to the " Clinton Foundation ". China supports anyone named Clinton for a reason

There are more reasons to vote for Hillary these are just a few that I could think of.

The United Kingdom voted to exit the European Common Market. The leftists are telling us the reasons is because all of a sudden the English people have become racist and xenophobic . How about the common people are finally getting tired of being shoved to the back ? Being forced to obey edicts issued by a committee in Brussels.

I have stated before Trump was not my choice at first. All I can do is believe him when he says he is going to change things. He may or may not do an excellent job as POTUS. The flaps that the media invents and creates are NOT going to change my mind. All I know is I disagree with almost everything Hilliary stands for and does.

As for the economy if it is doing great or poor. Who ya going to believe ? Your own eyes ( which the government will tell you are wrong ) or President Obama's glowing reports.

Last thing when people call Trump a racist because he want to secure our borders. Do those same people lock their home when they leave it or sleep in it ?
So are they racists too ? To me it is just common sense but that's why we have a vote every 4 years. Hope the majority votes with head instead of party lines.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Papa, I appreciate that you CARE about our country enuf to be informed and share your views. Unfortunately simply being informed of truth and facts is impossible nowadays due to journalistic malfeasance. So, instead of appreciating accomplishments we are diverted to anger provoking issues due to our fundamental human addiction to emotion. For example, I prefer movies that get me riled up - anger at the bad guys and elation when they are violently terminated. Or the mushy love conquers all feeling.

Overlooking media muck raking, (ex)President Clinton's current womanizing publicity won't make me forget his success at administrating a prosperous surplus economy with CONSERVATIVE policies.

I notice Papa you didn't mention preventing Wall St. fraud from crashing the economy again or the job killing corporate giveaway TPP as issues of concern?

As for the current economy, my bizness is booming, gas is cheap, game wardens are on the job, and what I need is affordably available. Afraid tho that getting sick or injured will wipe out my savings.

Indeed, middle class(me) public works administration costs are constantly increasing. My property taxes will more than double next time around. My neighbor's cousin complained that she had to spend $1,000 of her own money for school supplies as a teacher in Kansas due to decreased education funding. You might want to research the effects of upper income and business tax cuts in that state coincidentally the home of Koch Industries from a non-partisan point of view.

Not good choices, but I'll vote with my head, probably for the lesser liar.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Speaking of brexit and healthcare - the leave campainers traveled with a big red honking doubledecker bus that had not much more than "350 million- into NHS" painted on it, stating that the 350m Pounds of weekly EU-contribution would rather be spend on healthcare. Most of the - majorly elder - leave voters understood that and found it attractive.

It took Nigel Faragh 1 hour till after the vote to state that the figure (which ignored common kwonledge of both the 60% UK discount and the reflux of EU-subsidaries) was "a mistake" and he "cannot promise anything"  :D


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Hawn- all I can say in response is if Hilliary is our next POTUS I am completely done with politics , voting , political discussion any type of public service of any type. Because after she gets done appointing her liberal activists to the Supreme Court. This country will no longer represent anything that I hold of value.
Wall street corruption you make me laugh. I gave Hilliary a break by not mentioning Wall Street. They are some of the biggest Clinton donors. Unless you believe that Sachs and those gave her 250,000 K for a 20 min speech because she is so inspiring.

If majority of the American electorate are that gullible heaven help us. As it will be the only entity that can.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Papa, maybe taking a break from politics might improve your quality of life? You can relax and focus on being the good husband, father, neighbor, and friend I think you are. Right now Fox News has convinced white, Christian, straight, employed, privately health insured, climate change denying, pollution advocate, conservative Republicans that all others are ignorant, gullible, and not worthy of being considered fellow Americans.

I believe hating others only diminishes myself, and trying not to is a life's work.


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Right Hawn and love is going to conquer the terrorists just like the administration and Loretta Lynch says. Just like love conquered Hitler in WW II. M1 Sherman Tanks , P-51's and B-17s had nothing to do with it.

News flash Turkey's leader is trying to implement Sharia Law in Turkey. He also has co-operated with Isis in the past. Yet that did not prevent Isis form committing a terrorist attack against Turkey. The leftist response is always what makes them hate us so. They are committing heinous attacks on humanity just like the Nazis did. The only difference is the size and scope.

I see you have stuck me in what the liberal/government press wants you to believe . Sure you do not want to tack on bigot, homophobe and racist too. I have no illusion of overcoming all that liberal bias that you read and study daily. But consider this. You once asked who is gaming us. The truth is the ruling class elite of BOTH parties that grow fat on the public teats are the ones. They are the ones that deem themselves as the only ones worthy of power. They care not the country is on the road to ruin. Long as they can exercise the power and manipulate the majority into voting for them.

The ruling class in Washington is intent on one thing and one thing only GROWING THE SIZE OF GOVERNMENT AND ITS POWER. They totally ignore what the common man wants needs or even prefers. There is Washington DC , Los Angeles and New York City the rest of us are just flyover country. Their words not mine.

Most people agree that the Bill Of Rights is a valid and precious part of our Constitution. The attacks on it comes mainly from the liberal left. Most of the hate I hear also comes from that side. You can look that up it is not opinion or Fox news just fact.

By the even when I was in combat I did not hate even then. But I was good at my job.


Nov 20, 2013
papaperch said:
Right Hawn and love is going to conquer the terrorists just like the administration and Loretta Lynch says. Just like love conquered Hitler in WW II. M1 Sherman Tanks , P-51's and B-17s had nothing to do with it.

News flash Turkey's leader is trying to implement Sharia Law in Turkey. He also has co-operated with Isis in the past. Yet that did not prevent Isis form committing a terrorist  attack against Turkey. The leftist response is always what makes them hate us so. They are committing     heinous attacks on humanity just like the Nazis did. The only difference is the size and scope.

I see you have stuck me in what the liberal/government press wants you to believe . Sure you do not want to tack on bigot, homophobe and racist too. I have no illusion of overcoming all that liberal bias that you read and study daily. But consider this. You once asked who is gaming us. The truth is the ruling class elite of BOTH parties that grow fat on the public teats are the ones. They are the ones that deem themselves as the only ones worthy of power. They care not the country is on the road to ruin. Long as they can exercise the power and manipulate the majority into voting for them.

The ruling class in Washington is intent on one thing and one thing only GROWING THE SIZE OF GOVERNMENT AND ITS POWER.  They totally ignore what the common man wants needs or even prefers. There is Washington DC , Los Angeles and New York City the rest of us are just flyover country. Their words not mine.

Most people agree that the Bill Of Rights is a valid and precious part of our Constitution. The attacks on it comes mainly from the liberal left. Most of the hate I hear also comes from that side. You can look that up it is not opinion or Fox news just fact.

By the even when I was in combat I did not hate even then. But I was good at my job.

Me/Us, from the right, the commies, the so called Right winger crazies here in KY see it very differently.   I'm not sure if anyone here is following the Governors Past/Present battle that is going on here in KY.  Kentucky spoke just like the Make America Great will speak and now the Crazy Lib's that were voted out are suing and attacking everything the voters put in office this time around here in KY.    I can't understand why/how the left has gotten so brainwashed.  Hillary Clinton is nothing more than a modern day Jim Jones wannabee.  Pour us a glass of Kool aid, and let drink 2 glasses just encase the first one doesn't do the trick.    And taking a break from politics at this point is exactly what the left wants.    On the other hand don't be to surprised if Hillary doesn't bend over and take another from Obama and steps aside while he "tries" (the key word) to rule as a regime under Martial Law.  He has everything he needs in his back pocket to do as he please.  This is why Americans like me are pissed off.  I been bent over for the last time and No Sir I will not take another.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
"The truth is the ruling class elite of BOTH parties that grow fat on the public teats are the ones. They are the ones that deem themselves as the only ones worthy of power. They care not the country is on the road to ruin. Long as they can exercise the power and manipulate the majority into voting for them."

Well said.  However, regarding "GROWING THE SIZE OF GOVERNMENT AND ITS POWER" here are Libertarian party platform excerpts espoused by David Koch as a vice presidential candidate in 1980. One might notice a similarity with current Republican legislative agenda.

“We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”

“We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”

“We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”

“We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”

“We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”

“We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence.  Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”

“We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”

“We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”

“As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”

“We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”

“We advocate the complete separation of education and State.  Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”

“We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”

“We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”

“We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”

“We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”

“We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”

“We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”

“We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”

“We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”

“We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”

“We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”

“We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”

“We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”

“We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”

“We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”

“We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”

Repeating that I'm NON-PARTISAN. My only motivation to post is to inform, in the hopes of us divided finding common ground to unite. Recognizing that BOTH political parties are bought & paid for at the highest levels, thank you Papa, is a good start. Do we still have sane leadership choices? Only if you properly take the time to examine the issue positions of PROGRESSIVES like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. If there are similar mavericks in the Republican party besides DT please inform me of their policy proposals to improve our government.


New member
Jul 25, 2015
Hawnjigs said:
Noticing over the years the increasing conservative-liberal whining brought to mind the phrase "divide and conquer" so I looked it up.

"the policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent between them."

Maybe we're being played?  By who?  Why?


New member
Jul 25, 2015
Aw cmon hawn tell us what you really think. And please lose the non partisan bs.  You could go back a bit and give us some quotes from mr. Marx and maybe even mr engels.