2016 Presidential Primaries


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Hawk - agree with most of what you said cept I do like Carson

Jig - I won't throw my vote away even though I do not like the candidate - lesser evil type of thing.

Bottom line I do not believe Trump would make a good POTUS, but if forced, would vote for him over Hilary


New member
Nov 11, 2014
Palestine, Texas
Hawnjigs said:
"I'm seriously thinking about voting for trump, and here is why. I firmly believe that our system of government is deeply flawed, if not completely broken. Yet we still keep voting for the same type of people. If trump wins, there's a good chance the whole thing will collapse from his absurdity. Then maybe we could start over and build something better that works. A vote for trump is a vote for full system breakdown, which I believe is exactly what we need."

LOL ..... after obongo it will be a double whammy!

I think Trump actually cares about what happens to our country and I for one am sick of the career politicians to the point I would not doubt we have a revolution if WHEN things get worse.


Active member
May 16, 2010
Piedmont, S.C.
I'm going to change my user name to ( STUMP TRUMP) :) :) He has everyone running around looking for a set of balls they can barrow, only problem is with them looking for a set is that Trump is the only one with a set!!!


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Wow, the Republican primary sure ain't going the way I thought, which was based on big $ support deciding the top contenders. Mainstream conservative party faves Bush and Walker have tanked, and Fiorina and Carson have demonstrated they might have just been window dressers to draw certain demographic support, then deliberately fade out by making ridiculous statements inappropriate to their intelligence. And whodah thought Mr. Shutdown Cruz could actually be the front runner in Iowa?

Obviously, Mr. Trump's outsider willingness to wave a finger at establishment party politics has propelled him to the front, but I found this disturbing.


Active member
Mar 24, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
I once had a boss to a boss of mine state that "perception is reality".  A scary quote to me, reeking of lack of due diligence.  Those that perceive , in general, aren't willing or wanting to investigate enough to find the truth behind situations and events.

That's what scares me most about today's politics and its reporting thereof.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
I've gone warm to cold on Carson.

Still like Fiorina, but for president, believe she doesn't have a chance.

I'm still entertained about the press both party's candidates are receiving.

Especially the latest on Bill & Hillary. Between Bill being compared to Cosby with his womanizing and Hillary being untouchable over Bengazi, then entertainment value is through the roof.

Get out the popcorn & enjoy the news - best TV out there now.

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
Yep, you don't make that kinda money without stepping on some toes... And then ya gotta have a little fun spending it!


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Trump would not have been my choice. But since he is the only one left standing he got my vote.

Hilliary can do nothing to ever earn my vote. After 8 years of economical stagnation her promise to continue the path of President Obamas programs makes me shudder. She is also directly responsible for the death of American citizens who were serving in Bengazhi. Then proceeded to lie about it even to the victims families. She told the truth to Arab leaders at the same time lying about the cause to the American people. To her we do not deserve the truth. As a combat vet I could never accept or respect her as commander-in-chief. The Clintons have done very little to disguise their hatred of the military.

The revelation of the terrific amounts given to the Clinton Foundation for 20 minute speeches made by her and her husband. Are nothing more than a campaign slush fund for the Clintons. They the donors are betting on the outcome of the 2016 election. Those " donations " are nothing more than a purchase of influence. Why is it our liberal press has never demanded info on the Clinton Foundation funding and spending ? Like what they demanded of Trump on the money he raised for the veterans.

I have no illusions about Donald Trump. The only thing he may love more than himself is this country. After having a guy that hates this country for the last 8 years. That would be a refreshing change for the American public. Also he at least knows what a budget is all about and why it should be important.

If Hillary is elected I predict a rapid demise for everything this country used to represent. Any democrat no matter how bad of a candidate they are. Enjoys a huge starting lead in the presidential race. The huge electoral lead as most of the densely populated areas tend to vote democrat to support the liberal agenda. Look for the liberal press to ignore her email security violations. Even though she is guilty as sin. She will not be prosecuted by the liberal attourney general. Who was appointed by Obama. Regardless of what the FBI suggests to the federal justice department.


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Any other government employee did what she did with her email security violations would be flat out IN JAIL!!!! And X2 with Papa since she works for Obama he ain't gonna file a case against her.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Hawnjigs said:
Is Trump actually capable of leading us? Maybe. IMO a better choice than SOS Bush or Clinton. Some thoughts from others that ring for me.

"He is someone who dares to speak the truth about those topics that are being avoided by the politicans. He has enough ***** you money to be able to do so."

"I'm seriously thinking about voting for trump, and here is why. I firmly believe that our system of government is deeply flawed, if not completely broken. Yet we still keep voting for the same type of people. If trump wins, there's a good chance the whole thing will collapse from his absurdity. Then maybe we could start over and build something better that works. A vote for trump is a vote for full system breakdown, which I believe is exactly what we need."

Here in Europe we are a bit more concernd about system failure and leaders who contradict themselves each time they take breath. We have more than our fair share of Erdogans and Putins to deal with as it is, not to speak of the past. Be carefull what you wish for over there, you might not know what you´ve got till its gone.

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
Sad part of the deal is, this is what we come down to at the end of the race... This is what we want as a country!
Man, our next group of Supreme Court Justices really concerns me.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012

I'm constantly avoiding political discussions with my relatives in Germany because they are way to far to the left in their thinking. I understand the quagmire going on between Europe & the US.

I'm not going to try to convince anyone to believe in what I believe in and I don't want anyone to try move to move me off my political way of thinking. Sort of like religion - I believe what I believe and everyone else has the freedom to believe what they want to believe - as long as we all can co-exist.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany

after 15 years in sales I sure kown better than trying to change anyone´s political or even religious views. I was only expressing concern. We have had 2 million migrants here in the wake of the arab spring and the thought of the world´s mightiest military and economical power being so upset with itself that it seeks "full system breakdown" flatout scares me.

I would never take sides in another countries political debate or comment on any of the other U.S. presidential candidates, but with 2 years worth of history classes on nothing else than the failure of the weimar republic in the back of my mind, this guy is pressing my buttons with all 10 fingers at once. I have a strong feeling I am not the only person outside the U.S. who feels this way.

Speaking of co-existance, one of the finest qualities I have noticed among americans here and on FB is the ability to discuss highly controvertial political issues without taking personal offense. Sorry if I have crossed a line, I was just speaking my mind.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Oh no - sorry if I came across that way.

I only meant my German family has been bugging me since I left Germany over 30 years ago on why America should do this or that. I pretty much lean to the right on most issues and they want me to vote for the far left. My German aunt's a professional protester and her daughter's pretty much falls along with her mother except for realizing she has to work. To them, I am part of the problem in America and not part of the solution. Best thing I've ever said to them in a while was "I'd rather see Bernie get the democratic nomination than Hilary".

Again apologize for any misunderstanding


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
The master of "succinct" mentions: "This is what we want as a country! Man, our next group of Supreme Court Justices really concerns me."
Indeed, the SC judgements are mostly party line divided. So much for checks & balances with non-partisan clarity.

Who is this "we"? Aside from beer container littering racist rednecks and empowered women I don't notice hearts and minds support for either Presidential candidate yet here we are. Kennedy was a Hero. Reagan was a Hero. Trump and Clinton? Anti-heros?

Judging by our presidential race the USA appears to have crossed a line of no return where reason and even sanity no longer matter.