Tie in the chartreuse pieces at the head, wrap the thread over it to the tail, then back to the head.
Stick the pieces in the material holder spring to keep them out of the way.
Tie in the black at the head, wrap the thread over it to the tail, then back to the head.
Palmer your black body, and wrap the thread around it a few times.
Snip the black chenille. You can do a half hitch if you want.
Bring the chartreuse pieces forward and position them where you want them.
Wrap the thread over the whole shebang several times. Try to keep the thread in the same spot and lash it directly over the top of the previous wraps.
Hold the free ends of the chartreuse pieces and pull the thread tight. This keeps them from shifting around the hook shank when you pull.
Check the alignment of the pieces while keeping tension on the thread. If they shifted, unwind the thread and try again.
Whip finish and apply head cement to the thread. For this application, I would recommend actual head cement and not nail polish top coat. You want something that will soak into the thread, and nail polish doesn't.
Snip the chartreuse ends. Should end up with something like this:
This is one of my first ones. I've gotten better at keeping them aligned since then.