So far so good - lots of old rituals trying to overcome. Slow day at work made it rough... normaly would have taken many breaks on a nice laid back slow day but managed to get through. This evening went better and spent some time in the basement painting/tying.
So far i think the hardest part for me is not getting to go outside as often. May sound crazy but the trees, grass, lakes, rivers, sky, sun, moon, stars...... is all pretty much MY church. Always had to go out the back door at work to smoke and having little ones at home meant no smoking in the house. Every half hour or so - i was outside checking out the clouds, trying to identify a bird just fom its song, checking the pond for any fish movement, walking over from work to look at the river level, listening to the wind, talking to my grandparents up in the stars. Just simply peaceful time. Seems odd to explain, but just who i am i guess.
Anyway... have started just going outside (both at work and home) for no real reason other than to go outside. Just now came back in from a stroll around my yard at midnight with a temp. of 30 degrees and a stiff SW wind - but damn it sure felt good.

Crystal clear skies and the half moon was just breaking the horizon in a killer yellow color.