So you guys wouldn`t have me over any more, would you?


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
These are the figures for my home town of 250.000:

"Erkrankte aktuell" - momentarily sick
"Erkrankte kumuliert" - total number of infections
"Genesene" - recovered
"Verstorbene" - deceased, including everyone who died and was tested positively regardless main reason of death
"im Krankenhaus aktuell" - momentarily hospitalized

Since there is no random testing the infection toll includes only individuals that show symptoms and their background.

No fear here. Frankly, I wonder how they are planning to achieve herd immunity. With 5 added cases a day that would take a while. Time to open some more shops and the boat ramp! :beer:



Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Thanks Bucho. If I could speak German I'd be comfortable with pursuing 20#+ walleyes for fun and eating cod every week.

Do you have big perch like in Holland?


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Don`t count on the cod, they`ve ruined the stock. Catch and release is officially illlegal here which is why many anglers travel to nearby holland for specimen perch. They are massive there. Lots of food and nobody kills them.

I highly question you will find yourself a remote trout spot though.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
I can tell you that finding a remote trout spot anywhere will likely never be publicized unless someone can make $ from it.

Meanwhile back in the USSR(former) from
“A significant disinformation campaign by Russian state media and pro-Kremlin outlets regarding COVID-19 is ongoing,” said the nine-page internal document, dated March 16, using the name of the disease that can be caused by the coronavirus.

“The overarching aim of Kremlin disinformation is to aggravate the public health crisis in Western line with the Kremlin’s broader strategy of attempting to subvert European societies,”

The document produced by the EU’s foreign policy arm, the European External Action Service, said an EU database has recorded almost 80 cases of disinformation about coronavirus since Jan. 22.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Hawnjigs said:
I cannot understand any good reason why catch and release should be illegal ?

Imagine Beavis and Butthead were couch fishing for dogs and racoons. You would feel sympathy for them and tell them not to mess with animals for fun because you know that there is no getting around fish hooks will hurt them to some extent. In a more dogmatic culture, this would include fish in the same way as mammals. I do not say it was a "good" reason but it is a logical one. Fishing "only" for fun and not for food is not accepted among German non-angling society. Fortunately, my State is catch and decide. When I tell folks I let one go so it can grow some more, that is fine. But when I land a specimen fish I don`t want to keep, there better be no spectators. They would not approve. When I go out to do C&R e.g. targeting northern pike for lure promotion, I will take live pictures but leave no evidence of release online. Worst case, the PETA would make use of the legislation.

BTW desinformation is what they do in Russia. Live with it! :rolleyes:


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
OK, got it. Like those that don't fish won't understand that some C&R anglers handle their catches with respect and careful attention not to traumatize unnecessarily. Jigs or flies with smallest practical single hooks seem best choice.

And I don't understand how some choose to spend hours hitting around a ball into a hole in the ground.


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
I still wouldn't take any media released numbers here in 'Merica too seriously. Their numbers are flawed by my count...... but who am i to say so? They have changed how they are counting things in the last week or so. They are counting actual positive test results and also counting presumed infections. It gets hard to understand which number the media is actually talking about. Their number of Covid19 deaths has soared as expected, but the number of pneumonia deaths compared to any other year is dropping since all of those deaths are now being recorded as Covid related. Add on top of that the country as a whole is not testing evenly. Some areas get many many thousand tests and other areas only get enough to test front line medical workers and worst case scenarios. Famous individuals seems to be able to come up with testing quite easily however. New York City sounds bad bad bad and reinforces my reasoning for living out in the sticks where i live. Here in the county i live in (about 55,000 population) we have 9 total cases so far. But we are a majority farming community with very little in the way of dense population. The entire state of Ohio has about 11 million population and reporting 6,000 or so cases. But Michigan to the North (9 Million) and Pennsylvania to the East (12 Million) each have twice the reported cases. Both those states have different restrictive measures than Ohio so my state government is touting how well they are handling things...... but then complain they don't have enough testing in the same breath.

I don't know what to think. With schools and youth sports shut down, my small biz is just about dead in the water. I even had to sign up for unemployment and the biz is looking for emergency loans to be able to keep our employees once they decide to start opening things back up. With unemployment and stimulus funds, they make it sound like i will make more $$$ now than i did on salary. None of it makes sense. Unfortunately, even when they start opening things back up, organized sports and events (the life blood of my team sports small biz) sound like about the LAST thing they want to kick start. I am just crossing my fingers and trying to figure out what i can change in our business model to survive for now.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Bucho, hard to ignore Russian intrusion in our media when our gubmint does nothing about it while more and more my fellow Americans are blaming and distrusting each other. Sometimes it seems the USA is two countries at war, coincidentally (or planned) split along similar boundaries as our historic Civil War.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Yup, our COVID-19 #s are far from accurate with regional differences in reporting and lack of testing to verify cause of illness or death.

Gonna be tuff on everyone, except those with enuf $ not to be affected by livelihood loss.

One good thing about this crisis is that more people, including myself, may be appreciating those who provide services, however so called menial, to keep things running and provide us with survival essentials.  The grocery store checkers & stockers, truckers, warehouse workers, agriculture field & processing workers, mail clerks & deliverers, among others, are RISKING THEIR LIVES to be on the job, and I am thankful for their service.

And as personal hardships start sinking in, I urge my fellow Americans to PAY ATTENTION, forget prideful political partisanship, and notice who in our leadership cares about YOU.

Who's in charge of distributing so called stimulus funds?  What's his background?  PAY ATTENTION !

Sorry to sound like a know it all, but lies and deception by those entrusted to lead and inform us is upsetting.

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
All good here, been on furlough since April 1, and in quarantine since before then. Bride and I have had all our needs met. Not working, but have been busy hunting, running jug lines, crappie fishing, and going to the store for staples about once every 10 days. Looks like I may get back to work 26 May... I hope. My family in Texas, Indiana, and Minnesota have stayed healthy so far... Carry on.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Good to know yer still kicking Mr. HU ! Check in if you can guys n gals.

REALLY looking forward to Spring and some fierce battles with warm water chunkies !

Thinking learning to smoke catfish will be a worthy project this year. Just enjoyed smoked trout on buckwheat soba noodles for dinnter. Trout from our river and apple wood from my tree.