Maybe, our legislators can now proceed past obstruction and phony crisis bickering and create laws to benefit the working class, which is practically all of us. Some issues to tackle on my wish list that should have bi-partisan support from those lawmakers who truly represent US:
1. End tax avoidance thru offshoring profits and income.
2. End tax avoidance thru low rate loopholes like carried interest, dividends, and capital gains.
3. End too big to fail taxpayer bailouts and prosecute responsible perps for fraud.
4. Create jobs by repairing and rebuilding infrastructure.
5. Follow China's lead of executing executives in the tainted milk scandal by charging with murder those responsible for loss of life from distributing products they know to be hazardous.
OK, so #5 is a stretch, but the others are do-able with ink on paper and a few paddy wagons. #3 is a bit complex since as Hookup advises Wall St. "owns us" but reinstating Glass/Steagall which effectively prevented another Great Depression until it was repealed in '99 and revising Dodd/Frank without financial lobby input would be a start. And fire Obama's industry shill appointees to regulatory agencies to get the foxes out of the henhouse.
1. End tax avoidance thru offshoring profits and income.
2. End tax avoidance thru low rate loopholes like carried interest, dividends, and capital gains.
3. End too big to fail taxpayer bailouts and prosecute responsible perps for fraud.
4. Create jobs by repairing and rebuilding infrastructure.
5. Follow China's lead of executing executives in the tainted milk scandal by charging with murder those responsible for loss of life from distributing products they know to be hazardous.
OK, so #5 is a stretch, but the others are do-able with ink on paper and a few paddy wagons. #3 is a bit complex since as Hookup advises Wall St. "owns us" but reinstating Glass/Steagall which effectively prevented another Great Depression until it was repealed in '99 and revising Dodd/Frank without financial lobby input would be a start. And fire Obama's industry shill appointees to regulatory agencies to get the foxes out of the henhouse.