Word of the Day


Apr 24, 2010
Lubbock, Tx
1. occutard

Spoiled brats that blame hard-working, successful people for magically causing the failures of their own lives. Occutards have been coddled by their parents from birth and given everything they want without being expected to work for it. Now grown, they expect the government to arrive in place of their parents and provide everything their hearts desire for free. Furthermore, they believe that camping out in front of a random bank/government office will accomplish this goal. Can be heard regurgitating Marxist slogans, demonizing "the rich", whining about the inequities of life and condemning "evil corporations" for destroying their "fair chance". Occutard camps allow them to return to their natural state of not bathing, defecating/fornicating in public and participating in drum circles. Their ultimate goal is to create the occutard utopia in which the nanny-state plunders money from the productive members of society and "redistributes" it to them, removing any necessity to ever work.

"I tried to go to City Hall today but couldn't make it past the stench of the occutard camp! Haven't those people ever heard of a toilet?" -Productive Citizen

"When will these occutards go away? They're scaring away all my customers!" -Respectable Local Business Owner


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
From the Republic of Texas Which has joined the United States of America TWICE. And the only State flag that can fly as high as the United States Flag.

What the occutard's fail to get is that #1 God gave them Life and #2 The government only promised them that they would have the opportunity to a life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Self reliance and personal responsibly are two trates that the occutards are lacking. The occutards will be a drone of society and would not or could not bear anything of or for the public good. BTW for what it's worth Occutards are also known as Doper Diaper Babies.

Lest we remember the words that are tucked neatly away in both the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.They both speak of natural law.Our founding fathers were observers of nature and knew as we do being hunters and fisherman that the weakest in nature die out quick. Give them a little time for the beast prey on the the weak. As it is only a matter of time before the stronger of society will get feed up and VOTE them away or the true Beast or rather dregs of society will be like a pack of feeding sharks and will chew them to pieces. We have seen both happen with in the last two weeks.

God Bless The U.S.A., God Bless Texas, Don't Tread on Me, and Live Free or Die.

A Old Indian Rants on.


Ron Don

Future Sponsor
Mar 24, 2010
West Monroe, LA
My answer is Shutup and go get a job! "but there aren't any jobs" If they spent a fraction of the amount of time actually looking for a job as they have b_tchin, they could have found several jobs!