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Assorted my micro /mini spoon box out for season. This is the one box I never go without. By tipping with minnow , piece of minnow , maggots or grubs it puts me in line to catch everything that swims in Ohio waters.
The one exception is muskie. I have never caught a muskie even a small one on these. I think its possible its just never happened. Keep in mind off species such as carp, suckers and several species of minnows that were big enough to fit the hook in their mouth.
Biggest fish I ever had on one of the tiny ones was a 40+ pound flathead. All I know he was the biggest cat I ever had on on anything.
I could not land him as he would not fit thru 7 in hole. Believe me we tried. I wore him out but had to settle for just being able to get lure back.
He had hit one of the smaller ones with a wax worm on it. To this day I often wonder why as that waxworm would not even come close to satisfying that fishes hunger.
Anyway you ought to load up on a few of these. They are simple to make and inexpensive as compared to other lures. As you can see by my many variations you can let your imagination go . More likely than not it will catch fish.
Some or so small or weightless you have to add a split shot up the lien 2' works for me. These aren't all I got but I like taking that many with me.