We have come a long way.... my freshman year of HS (around that timeframe when it was all getting started) i was one of very few students in my class given permission (and maybe who even cared) to access it through the school. It was the intranet back then..... with an 'a' instead of an 'e'. Lots of it was using just the old DOS language to navigate and not a whole lot to do on it - pretty complicated. But i do remember getting in hot water back then with my girlfriend (now my wife) for chatting with a 30 year old woman... i would have been 14 then.
I can also remember when my dad brought home our 1st computer.... a Comodore 64. What a machine! haha. We lived out in the sticks back then and there was no local number for dial-up access in our area and my parents were not going to pay for the long distance bill!