What happened to the TX drivers???

Ron Don

Future Sponsor
Mar 24, 2010
West Monroe, LA
I remember when i thought that TX had some of the best, most courteous drivers out there. Heck they would even pull off on the shoulder to let you pass them. Never saw anyone just chilling out in the passing (left lane). Well times have changed! Ha i dont know if Katrina is to blame for moving some fellow LA'ians across the border or what.

Steph had a marathon in San Antonio this past weekend so we covered some miles in TX. I dont know how many times we would get held up by someone "lolly gagging" below the speed limit in the fast lane... Driving the same speed as the car in the other lane! The other car speeds up.. they would speed up... Other car slows down, they slowed down! This would go on for miles and miles at a time. This happened atleast 6 times. I was ready to try out one of those PIT maneuvers you see on COPS!

On the way we went down through Houston so I was thinking maybe it was a Southern thing! But on the way back we came up through Waco then cut through to Tyler. It was pretty much the same story.
I know Rodger had mentioned about no one stopping to help with a flat. Just wondering what happened because now it seems that the good ole Texas has become like every other state!


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Could be everyone is in a hugh rush getting back and forth from work. I know I'm tired of the 102 mile round trip to and from work everyday, and there are some real ******** on the roads here, plus we get the Quebecers who think they can do whatever they want including 100+ MPH


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Did all the swearing wake up your little girl? Is pretty aggravating when there is two lanes and you still can't go the speed limit. :@ I always set my cruise at 4 mph over the limit.

Roadside courtesy is disappearing quickly - i blame cell phones. I have stopped to help several people in my years of driving. Fixed flat tires, over heated vehicles and helped countless people get un-stuck from mud/snow. Last time i stopped to ask a young lady if she needed help..... she rolled down her window about an inch and practically yelled at me that she already had someone on the way.

Ron Don

Future Sponsor
Mar 24, 2010
West Monroe, LA
Doug they dang sure werent in any hurry!

Russ she was awesome on the way there. But the return trip.... Not so much! She only slept a couple hours out of 10! So yeah that added to the frustration! And i do agree with ya about cell phones.


Apr 24, 2010
Lubbock, Tx
Cant believe you saw some slow drivers over there...Im usually at the limit or slightly above,and get passed like Im sitting still...


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
The more they travel the better they get - my two always fell asleep when they were little, or we would leave after I got out of work and they were usually in wind down time anyway and would sleep through.

It was when they got older that the "Your taking up too much room" "He/she hit me" LOL Ticked you off at the time but great memories now!!!

Some of the worst ones in Vermont are the State Troopers - I was doing 70 this morning and I moved over to let him by and no lights no nothing he blew by me like I was standing still.