Ribeye's,couple rounds of nine ball on the new table,Landshark and Shiner Farmhouse here..Dont really want to but I have to pull for them dang Aggies tonight since I picked em, with quite a few points.
After sitting up till 1:06 last night watching the Raiders,Ill be lucky to see it come in ...
Watching fox news and hanging with the wife sipping Baileys and coffee for now! Breaking backnforth tying jigs. JM will be later working on a a little crown an sprite!
Gonna get my fancy drink, pop a can of Coors Lite ina minute. Kiddos are watching Fear Factor at the moment and they are looking forward to seeing the ball drop. Pretty exciting evening. haha
Well tomorrow my dad and I are heading up to North Dakota to do some ice fishing for perch, walleye and if we can get em pike. It's around a 9 and a 1/2 hour trip but i'm pretty sure that it will be worth the time.:icefish:
JM Would rather listen to Glen Miller's American Patrol but I would settle for Pennsylvania 65000. Wish that I was young enough that I could spend the night dancing in the New Year. Used to be a very good Ballroom Dancer. The years have slowed me down to the point that I am not as light on my feet as I used to be. Happy New Year.
My dad and I used to go fishing in a fishing house built over the warm water discharge on Lake Nasworthy when I was a kid. We would listen to a station that played Jazz music. That is where I first listened to Glen Miller. Man I miss those days, the colder the weather the better the fishing. I would tie fresh brush to the pliers in the summer. It was very good crappie fishing with jigs, some of the best. Drove by there the other day when I got back from Brazil and saw they were dismantling the old generator plant. What a waste!
Sipping cognac by the fire, watching ABC celebration and snuggling the wife. May see the ball drop or may fall asleep. Will not matter, sharing tonight with the one I love is priceless!
Eyecrosser.....provide pics and feedback. Fished devils lake two years ago. Had a guide first day and then went out on our own. Drilled about 700 holes in 4 days but we pounded the perch on jigging spoons. Good times but looks like the weather is going to be very cold!
I fell asleep watching That show "MoonShiners" then my alarm on my phone went off at Midnight. I woke up, said Happy New Year!,kissed my wife and went back to sleep. Party Animal I am I am!! :icon14:
Church had a game night with food. Not much of a game guy, but the food was good. Kinda neat listening to Dark Side of the Moon in church.
Got home by 10:30, threw back a couple barley pops, and cursed the neighbors next store with their party until 4am.
Did have to get up at 6:30a and run the chain saw though ;-)