Arrrrrgggghh!!!! These bogus sign-ups have to be the most aggravating part of running JC. I have changed the sign-up process once already now - so new members have a random password generated that they have to retrieve from their email (if what they give is a real email
) before they can post. There has been very few 'spammers' to actually get that password and log on which is a good thing, but i have to keep an eye down there on the new member sign-ups for sure. :dodgy: Last week i deleted 6 members that looked like they were all trying to sell phones or apps or something.
NOTE!!!! DO NOT EVER do a search to find out what some of those weird sign-up names are linked to and NEVER go to a link a new member has in their signature before they start posting. I don't want anyone getting computer bugs!!!!!!! Practice safe surfing friends!