If it's simple stuff, I razor it. If wire core, as in dubbing brushes, midway correction is worth the effort. Split tails (claws) on craws with wrapped posts/spreaders? I go to great lengths to save myself from an entire redo on those kind of ties.
My rule is one of structural integrity, if it's compromised, it's redone. I tie-in most all forms of head weight and don't want anything breaking loose or moving, thus more anal about the strength of things in general. It's a lesson learned from years of small stream/high numbers smallmouth fishing. Smallies are decidedly wrenchy on the bite and it shows where the weakness of a tie is. Largemouth don't seem to have such a powerful and pronounced crush & grind on the bite or when fighting the fish, but the tying philosophy is the same at the vise. I think it saves time and on the water cursing in the long run.
I probably overdo it sometimes.