Only tiny buds on the trees up here. Walked around my property earlier in the week and saw my raspberries had nice bud on them...... or at least what was left of the ones the deer hadn't destroyed.
This weather is pretty much a repeat of last year. My forsythias and dogwood only ever got a few flowers last year. I use the forsythias as a fishing timeline guide..... when those yellow flowers open that means the crappie will be just out past their spawning grounds and will be making beds soon. It is usually pretty accurate for my local lakes. I believe the buds flowers actually opening and the fish spawning has more to do with hours of sunlight than temps. When it is the right time of year, they do their thing no matter what the temp.
Oh...... i took a picture from my back stairs last night when i got home. Hard to tell, but there were waves on the pond.
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Here is a picture from this morning. I was hoping to get out and cast a line this weekend. Gonna have to wait till next weekend i guess.
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