Jig Man
Active member
I know this is off topic, since this is an election year, :beat-up: but went and did a little fishing last night.:icon14: I told the men that invited me I would go only if we didn't talk politics or religion. Well we didn't talk politics, but since we are deacons the religion deal is bound to surface. :megaphone: Just remember to always take two Baptists with you.... If you only take one he will drink all your beer!:beer:
Anyway a report without pics. from OH Ivey.:film: Lake is 41 feet low and clear in the main body. Put in at Kennedy Marina "Elm Creek" water 3 ft at the back of the boat when launching. Boat dock is usable and ramp not too steep but kinda long, take friend,:cheerleader: but nothing like the high bridge on the Pecos. Hear reports that Kennedy may close, :food: can't answer yea or na on that, but see no reason to close boat ramp.
After leaving ramp:trollin:, soon found 12 ft water then 30 ft, elm creek, and soon after that 50 ft. main river. We traveled maybe a mile from the ramp,tyed up to a large pecan tree in 47ft water, dropped lights, relaxed, shot the breeze, watched the light show complements of our Father, fished at the 18ft. mark :reeling: and caught a five gallon bucket full of sacs.:fishing: Home @ 0400....
IMO: Live is way to short to worry about stuff that wont matter in the end. Do the best you can, try to be a friend that you would want to fish with. Be true to the One that built ya!!! And I really enjoy spending time with all ya'll.... That's plural in Texas:cheers:
Anyway a report without pics. from OH Ivey.:film: Lake is 41 feet low and clear in the main body. Put in at Kennedy Marina "Elm Creek" water 3 ft at the back of the boat when launching. Boat dock is usable and ramp not too steep but kinda long, take friend,:cheerleader: but nothing like the high bridge on the Pecos. Hear reports that Kennedy may close, :food: can't answer yea or na on that, but see no reason to close boat ramp.
After leaving ramp:trollin:, soon found 12 ft water then 30 ft, elm creek, and soon after that 50 ft. main river. We traveled maybe a mile from the ramp,tyed up to a large pecan tree in 47ft water, dropped lights, relaxed, shot the breeze, watched the light show complements of our Father, fished at the 18ft. mark :reeling: and caught a five gallon bucket full of sacs.:fishing: Home @ 0400....
IMO: Live is way to short to worry about stuff that wont matter in the end. Do the best you can, try to be a friend that you would want to fish with. Be true to the One that built ya!!! And I really enjoy spending time with all ya'll.... That's plural in Texas:cheers: