Side Note....

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
I know this is off topic, since this is an election year, :beat-up: but went and did a little fishing last night.:icon14: I told the men that invited me I would go only if we didn't talk politics or religion. Well we didn't talk politics, but since we are deacons the religion deal is bound to surface. :megaphone: Just remember to always take two Baptists with you.... If you only take one he will drink all your beer!:beer:
Anyway a report without pics. from OH Ivey.:film: Lake is 41 feet low and clear in the main body. Put in at Kennedy Marina "Elm Creek" water 3 ft at the back of the boat when launching. Boat dock is usable and ramp not too steep but kinda long, take friend,:cheerleader: but nothing like the high bridge on the Pecos. Hear reports that Kennedy may close, :food: can't answer yea or na on that, but see no reason to close boat ramp.
After leaving ramp:trollin:, soon found 12 ft water then 30 ft, elm creek, and soon after that 50 ft. main river. We traveled maybe a mile from the ramp,tyed up to a large pecan tree in 47ft water, dropped lights, relaxed, shot the breeze, watched the light show complements of our Father, fished at the 18ft. mark :reeling: and caught a five gallon bucket full of sacs.:fishing: Home @ 0400....

IMO: Live is way to short to worry about stuff that wont matter in the end. Do the best you can, try to be a friend that you would want to fish with. Be true to the One that built ya!!! And I really enjoy spending time with all ya'll.... That's plural in Texas:cheers:


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Hahaha, funny to post in the OT section.

Your "IMO" reminds me that I need to go fishing, soon. Been over 2 months since.


Active member
May 16, 2010
Piedmont, S.C.
Baptist don't drink much beer we like liquor :):)
Hate to hear the lakes in Texas are so low. Good report and sounds like the fishing was good. I looked for the light show til around 12:30 but the clouds didn't clear out enough to see nothing..


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Mel good report. yes can't use our boat ramp the waters is too low. Have to go and use the one at Tuckers Camp we are like 8 foot down here on Caddo. Been another hot and long summer. But the end is near. Rainy season about to begin. Hopefully a good amount to fill the lake. The Crappies are in the deep pockets in the river and lake.

Baptist drinking I thought that they didn't do those things. That's is one reason why I fish alone. I thought that drinking on Texas lakes was illegal anyway???? Always take a bottle of snake bite medicine with me when I go out on the lake. We have a lot of water moccasins out on the lake.



Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Congrats on the successful trip! Sounds like fun was had by all and enough fish to go around.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Jig Man had some of that medicine and it worked good on my cold. Just had to keep medicating myself for about three days. It won't work on allergies but after a few doses you just don't care any more so it kind of works.

Fatman wish that it was that easy but the fact is them snakes will fall from the trees. So you have to have a boat paddle handy all the time. Fact is you try not to go under trees this time of year. And yes a Water Moccasin will swim up and craw in the boat with you all most unnoticed. The reason a lot of the fisherman around here carry a firearm in the boat with them and have a bag of corks stashed with them to plug the holes. IF I hear a shot on the lake I will go see if someone needs help ether repairing the boat or having there nerves calmed down. Thing are a little different down on the swamp.
