Yup. How did you manage to hook yourself at home?
I've never hooked myself past the barb, but I did manage an involuntary sickle sharpness test this spring. I was using a double jig setup under a bobber, with one jig tied about a foot below the other. I was standing on shore and snagged the bottom jig on a cattail. I couldn't quite reach the part of the leaf where the jig was snagged, so I grabbed it just above and pulled it toward me. Then it broke and snapped backward, driving the top jig right through the soft part of my thumbnail under the cuticle.
Thankfully it wasn't past the barb so I didn't have any trouble getting it out, but it still bled like a stuck pig and hurt like hell. Still have the bruise under my thumbnail. It will probably take a month or two to grow out.
One time I did a Google image search on the term hook eye because I couldn't remember if up eyes were bent toward or away from the point. Let me tell you, that's not a term you want to search for, and especially not right after lunch.