Roundup Weed Killer


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Here's an article about real life health issues experiences.

Monster GMO-agri chem conglomerates like Monsanto & Syngenta are continuing to "own" our lawmakers and regulators. I've only become aware of their nefarious plan to control our food supply recently, and I urge others to become aware of the problem.

For starters, their GMO varieties of corn, potatoes, & sugar beets among other ag staples were designed to be resistant to Roundup (glyphosate) and soon 2,4,-D (a primary ingredient of Agent Orange). This allows a massive increase in the use of POISONS that formerly would kill the crops. GMO corn is used for livestock & poultry feed and corn syrup & beet sugar in most processed food, with the collateral effect of presence in practically EVERYTHING we buy in a "super market".

I'm sure that most of you already know that GMO purveyors also manufacture the mentioned herbicides and pesticides.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
I never fully understood the outrage here in europe about GMO foodstuff. Thought it was a lobby thing fostered by our agricurltural industry -which is not the most competitive one - being a bit behind on that sector. Then again, how on earth is one supposed to contain that stuff in an open invironment? And I´m totally with you on the poison topic, too. Who is making us more resistant against all those fumes and dusts and agents piling up in our environment?
Talks are on about a north american/european trade union at the moment - which I highly welcome, not only because I buy 90% of my supplies in the States. A declaration of GMO containing foodstuff alone is being considered "unfair discrimination" by the American side. That pretty much says it all... If that stuff is so perfectly neat and harmless, why not openly declare it as such? Well over a hundred years ago, the term "made in Germany" once was born out of an actual british discrimination against German products in the first place.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Liquid edger.

Better than firing up the 50cc two smoken edger & polluting the environment.

There's trade off's with everything


Active member
Jun 28, 2010
I'm too aware of all that stuff and a whole lot more . For instance the chicken you buy is a genetically modified bird with a life span that is very short . They are designed to produce more meat in the preferred edible areas than most birds . They have an excellerated growth so that they reach 3 to 5 lbs in a matter of weeks . They grow so fast that many of the birds will die of a heart attack if there food and water is not strictly controlled . This in conjunction with the GMO products fed to Is assimilated in the human body . Your genetics will determine to what extent any harm may come to you Threw consumption of all Gmo Products . Flouride in the water tooth paste and a multitude of other things is detrimental to you and your offspring . I work in health care so I'm not blowing smoke up your butt.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Here is food for thought. without means to stop weeds and pests in our crops for food, we would not have enough food to go around. Look how fast prices of food go up when there is a drought. What would happen if there is not way to control weeds? weeds will take over and choke out the crops.
I mean not disrespect to your opinions in any way, I have grown up on a small farm, used Round up, 24D and others and not afraid of these products when used according to the directions. Round up used to have directions to use on weeds growing above the water like cattails, to kill the weeds and not hurt the fish. Fish are pretty easy to kill when a poison gets in the water. 24D will kill them.
I think we should be concerned about the GMO's, chemicals, but we may not be able to live without them.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Ok, I didn't read the article/post first before I posted. Now I have read it and that is truly sad.
That talks about the chemical is in the drinking water. My house is 30 feet from my cornfield that I rent to someone else because I am too busy making fishing lures, anyway, they just sprayed it with roundup and now I think about my well which is on the other side of my house. by the way I have lived in the house for 50 years. Now about the drinking water. on roundup the directions say, if I remember correctly, to use 2 quarts of roundup per acre. according to Google, that is not quite 1 drop per square foot. Now if a farmer puts on more chemical than what is called for, it will not work properly and will cost more and reduce his profit. Through propaganda I have been told that the most misuse of chemicals is in cities where you go to the local supplier for lawn weed and pest controls and people will put on more than the directions say. now your neighbors do the same thing, put on more than the directions, on 1 acre you could have 100 houses and most of that chemical will run off into the sewer system. The runoff only has to go from the yard to the street to get to the sewer system. I don't know how it would get to the drinking water though, unless you have a big rain and the sewer system runs over.
On a 100 acres or more the chances of the chemical running off to a creek or somewhere to get to a well is greatly reduced because it will stay or go down in the ground. If you go to Wikipedia it tells about how far it will go down which is not very far and it does breakdown in the environment.
I live in Missouri and in lots of counties there are Soils and Water Districts and are run by local farmers. I think these are funded in part by the Federal , State governments. They provide help for farmers to preserve the soil from erosion with terraces, water ways. These also make a barrier to slow the water runoff when it get to these ares that are grass, then this keeps the runoff chemicals form getting to our creeks.


Active member
Jun 28, 2010
We lost the knowledge of the old ways before money was invented and continued to loose knowledge as that system of commerce grew into a means of controlling the population . We have made so many trade offs and lost so much knowledge now that we as a species are in danger of extinction. Many across the globe have even lost their will to be free men . They have become departmentalized drudges. We have even begun to trade off our freedoms here in the U.S. I personally had hoped I'd been born in a time when I could grow old and die before I saw these kind of things . I'm getting a little long in the tooth now . But it looks like I'm going to see more than I ever wanted . For those who know God bless you . For those that don't know God save you . These are the last words I shall ever speak on these kinds of subjects . Prayers for all free or bondmen.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Yup, lots of time bombs ticking away. Nuke disasters, industrial wastes, poisoned food, corrupt government, unrestrained financial sector, our capital draining into offshore accounts, on & on. Top of the food chain are the exact people responsible for and profiting by these abominations to the common good. Hiding behind flunky wannabes, smokescreen charitable foundations, political action groups with patriotic names, and bought politicians, these few are relentlessly manipulating US to support their perverted quest for MORE, at OUR expense. And, I'm with Toad, "These are the last words I shall ever speak on these kinds of subjects".

But, since I started this topic, its still possible to avoid GMO & pesticide tainted food, somewhat, by shopping ORGANIC. This option is shrinking as industrial food is buying out organic food purveyors, and weakening USDA standards. At the farm level, it is impossible to grow pure organic crops if GMO pollen or pesticides drift from other fields. "Coastal Range" claimed organic chicken is available in mainstream markets, even out here in HI.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Sorry, can't keep quiet, because I CARE not only about me but US.

Roundup main ingredient glyphosate was recently officially declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a probable carcinogen but media is avoiding any publicity. MDs don't test bodies for it, the FDA won't test our food, & the EPA won't test our water.

Not likely Monsanto will discontinue mfg. & dstr. and in fact Roundup appears to be a front page draw in local seasonal sales here in Nebraska. OK, gotta get my hoe & trowel to keep digging out the weeds.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Since it appears that Roundup resistant GMO crop pollen has crossed with weeds to create "superweeds" mutations unaffected by RU, there's a new herbicide now or shortly available Enlist Duo that mixes Roundup active ingredient Glyphosate with 2,4,-D mentioned by dlaery as being toxic to fish. Currently EPA approved for use in 15 states.

Which makes me wonder:
1. How can the World Health Organization declare glyphosate carcinogenic and the EPA approve it as safe?
2. If glyphosate has already created resistant superweeds, why is it still an ingredient in a new product?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
This appears to be a good summary.

"GMOs and Roundup, neonicotinoids, 2,4 D, atrazine, glufosinate, and dicamba—and all the other chemicals being sprayed on the food that we eat, and ultimately running off into water that we drink—are poison. The major reason chronic diseases like cancer, autism, diabetes, and obesity, along with reproductive, behavioral, endocrine and immune system disorders, are spiraling out of control is that our environment is toxic. We are ingesting—from the womb, to the hospital, to the grave—poisoned, pesticide-laden food."

OK, think that does it.